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Education is Liberation

Until every cage is empty . . . No Compromise!

About Me

WARNING: This site contains content of a disturbing nature and may not be suitable for certain viewers.
Educating the public about the wrongs of animal testing in order to liberate the animals-
Education is Liberation- pass on the word
Opening the BAVA link may be one of the most sensible things you could do in order to find out more about the entire animal rights movement and vivsection . . . A lot goes on behind the scenes!

The CIVIS Foundation Reports, know your stuff!
One of the things I most commonly get challenged with by pro animal testers is something along the lines of "What would you do if it was your kid/mum/dad?" And after much thought and realisation I now know what my answer is.
And that answer is divided into 2 situations.
Situation 1: My child has a very severe illness, along with many other children, and scientists want to find a cure, they'll try and do this by testing on animals. However, this does not mean that instantly they will have a cure, it will most likely take years and years before they even manage to get a result similar to one which shows the illness is being cured. By this time who knows what would have happened to my child anyway . . . Situation 2: Scientists say they've found a cure through tetsing on animls, but in my belief (and so it should be in everyone elses belief as it is pure logic) that no experiment is ever truly tested or have proven results until it is tried on a human being . . . And I simply don't know what's more of a risk, letting my child go with out treatment, or letting him/her have treatment at the risk it may not work at all like the experiemnts that were carried out on the animals.
Asking me what would I do in case of it being a loved one for me, does not make me change my mind at all about animal testing, animals are not ours to experiment on! END OF STORY!
Another question some will try and challenge me with is"What if there is absolutely no other way?" But really my answer to that is simple . . . If we don't try we'll never know. All of our scientists now should be working towards experiments that just don't involve animals. Don't you notice in life . . . that if you focus on one thing and one thing only, you get there in the end?
Challenge Authority
We.Will.Make.This. Stop!
The eyes of this creature are so alive with fear there is no possible way you could look into them and deny that suffering exists with in her.

The Truth
Vivisection is Scientific Fraud - We are all Victims!
A particular concern of mine is Vivisection (the use of animals in testing products which shall be used by humans). The term 'Vivisection,' basically means: To cut into whilst still alive or awake. The meaning in itself is self explanitory as to what these animals go through and is more than enough to conjure up some harrowing images in any sensitive and easily hurt mind.
*Please click to enter the website*
Alternatives that we have found:
- Cell Culture
- Molecular Methods
- Volunteer Studies
- Testing Micro Organisms
- Researching Diseases With In Popluations
-Invitro studies.

My Interests

The above slideshow was taken from Span's myspace. It was created by Span So thankyou span I think it is brilliant! :)

I'd like to meet:

Animal Testing has failed us . . . And our animals.
Less than 2% of human illnesses (1.16%) are ever seen in animals. Over 98% never are.
At least 50 drugs on the market cause cancer in lab animals. They are allowed because it is admitted that animal tests are not relevant.
When asked if they agreed that animal experimentation can be misleading because of anatomical and physiological differences between animals and humans, 88% of doctors agreed.
Rats are 37% effective in identifying what causes cancer in humans. Flipping a coin would be more accurate. According to animal tests lemon juice is deadly poison, but arsenic, hemlock and botulin are safe. 40% of patients suffer side effects as a result of prescription treatment. Over 200, 000 medicines have been released most of which are now withdrawn. According to the World Health Organisation, 240 medicines are "essential". Thousands of drugs passed safe in animals have been withdrawn or banned due to their effect on human health. Aspirin fails animal tests, as do digitalis (heart drug), cancer treatments, insulin (causes animal birth defects), penicillin and other safe medicines. They would be banned if results from animal experimentation were accurate. When the producers of thalidomide were taken to court, they were aquitted after numerous experts agreed animal tests could not be relied on for human medicine. At least 450 methods exist with which we can replace animal experiments. Morphine puts humans asleep but excites cats. 95% of drugs passed by animal tests are immediately disgarded as useless or dangerous to humans. One is six patients in hospital are there because the drug they have taken had been passed safe for us on humans after animal tests. Worldwide, at least 22 animals die every second in labs. In the UK one animal dies every five seconds. The contraceptive pill causes blood clots in humans but it had the opposite effect in dogs. We use aspirin for aches and pains. It causes birth defects mice, rabbits and rats. Researchers refused to believe that benzene could cause cancer in humans because it failed to in animal tests. Dogs failed to predict heart problems caused by the cardiovascular drugs encainide and flecainide, which led to an estimated 3, 000 deaths in the USA. Heart by pass surgery was put on hold for years because it didn't work on dogs. If we had relied on animal tests we would still believe that humans don't need vitamin C, that smoking doesn't cause cancer and alcohol doesn't cause liver damage. It was denied for decades that asbestos caused disease in humans because it didn't in animals. Polio researchers were mislead for years about how we catch the disease because they had experimented on monkeys. As one researcher points out, "the ultimate dilemma with any animal model of human disease is that it can never reflect the human situation with complete accuracy."

You may dislike what you see But forgive me if I am wrong I am only displaying the truth. Time to face-up-to it and do something about it.
Your tears will not help them but your actions will. Being heart broken is not enough.
Earthlings! PLEASE WATCH


Factory Farms. Please do not be mistaken to believe that just because this video is American similar footage has not been recorded in the UK.

Add this to your myspace page.Be sure to remove the spaces around the "" symbols.

In This Video: To whoever you are, I love you!

Time for action!

WARNING: This video does contain upsetting and disturbing footage. (Largely from about 2-3 minutes on wards!)

Animal Rights . . . Join the Movement!

Thankyou for watching.


The Uncaged organisation needs your help!
Visit the website:
Write letters asking what you can do!:
Uncaged Campaigns,
9 Bailey Lane,
S1 4EG, UK
phone +44 (0) 114 272 2220,
fax +44 (0) 114 272 2225,
email: [email protected]

*Please click on the following links to visit the websites!*


Websites that ought to to be visited

Because we can all see that this is wrong . . .

"I'm too cute to eat!" :(


*Myspace's that ought to be paid a visit*



My Blog

Uncaged Campaigns review of "Monkeys, rats and me"

----------------- Bulletin Message -----------------From: nature is angryDate: Nov 29 2006 11:18 AM ----------------- Bulletin Message -----------------From: veganbristolDate: Nov 30 2006 3:01 AM ----...
Posted by Education is Liberation on Wed, 29 Nov 2006 11:25:00 PST

British Farming Update

Update on British FarmingUK livestock farmers losing out . . . Latest figures from across the UK show few livestock farmers are making money from sheep and beef production.In their 2005/2006 reports o...
Posted by Education is Liberation on Mon, 27 Nov 2006 01:55:00 PST

bear farms, please read

I just don't feel enough attention is paid to this topic . . .   New warning over China bear farms A bears is caged and bile taken from its stomach The lucrative but illegal export trade in be...
Posted by Education is Liberation on Sun, 29 Oct 2006 06:25:00 PST

Fish dyeing! = animal cruelty. Please read :)

I was asked by someone on my contacts list to write up on this and make others more aware of the suffering many fish are put through in order for them to look more desirable . . . .   Death By Dy...
Posted by Education is Liberation on Wed, 25 Oct 2006 02:05:00 PST

cancer research specialist who sabotaged companies

  Taken from BBC News Harris is the first person convicted under new economic sabotage laws A cancer research specialist who sabotaged companies linked to animal research lab Huntingd...
Posted by Education is Liberation on Wed, 20 Sep 2006 01:07:00 PST

My inspiration to try hard to end the creulty.

When I was 10 years old I came across this image. So horrifying it was for me that for days and even months afterwards I felt sick and dizzy by the thought of it, and could not comfortably eat food. I...
Posted by Education is Liberation on Fri, 18 Aug 2006 04:23:00 PST

Things I should have said lol!

----------------- Bulletin Message -----------------From: Education is LiberationDate: Aug 17, 2006 10:45 PM If anyone is wandering WHY I'm reposting this bulletin so many times with the responses I'...
Posted by Education is Liberation on Fri, 18 Aug 2006 04:19:00 PST

Changing my life for the Earth.

"You must be the change you want to see in the world," as quoted by Ghandi. And I don't beleive there will ever be anything more effective than changing yourself in order to change how things are. I h...
Posted by Education is Liberation on Sun, 13 Aug 2006 08:50:00 PST