Thrashead profile picture


Your god is broke, and your religion is morally bankrupt. For the dead who were merely caught is the

About Me

Here this goes for what it's worth. I play guitar, bass, and drums, but I won't call myself a musician. To me the term musician reeks of ego and industry bullshit, I prefer noisemaker myself. I've played in various bands like N.O.Y.F.B. (None Of Your Fucking Business), Lisafer, Bad Acid Trip, Naked Aggression, Ruido, 45 Grave, and I also helped out TV Smith with some Adverts songs, when he was here in L.A. for that Wasted debacle a few years ago. I'am a total music/noise nut. My favorite stuff is mostly late 70's and early 80's punk/hardcore/thrash, new wave, post-punk, art-punk, noise, etc, etc. I also like stuff from other decades as well, check out my music list below for specifics. I've been a fan and active participant in punk rock since late 1978. I'm a big fan of the 7" record and buy and collect them on a regular basis, the library is getting ridiculous. I'm interested in hearing stuff I can't get as well as recording stuff for people that's impossible to find. I jive well with other record nerds as long as they don't pull that conceated, pretentous, "I've got a better collection than you (compensating for a small dick)" type bullshit. I like to share information, not hold it over peoples heads. I'm not a big movie buff, and I think that most television is shit. Up until recently my jobs were working at punk record stores. I worked in that field for 12 years. Some people locally know me as that guy who worked at Headline or Green Hell. And yeah I'm the same "Thrashead" who wrote for Flipside for roughly ten years on and off. Currently I just got my associates degree in electronics and hopefully will be working in the field very soon. I also like weird Dadaist art and concepts and like to study that stuff as much as I can. That's about it.
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My Interests

Collecting 7" vinyl of all different types of music I like. late 70's and early 80's punk/hardcore/thrash, post-punk, new wave, art punk, noise, agressive sounds, etc, etc. Playing the aforemention types of music. Laughing at the absurd. Juvenile humor and comedy of the like. People with common sense. Weird and different art and art movements. Cats. Coffee. Cider. Pinball. Bowling. Electronics. Going to see bands I like. Hanging out with friends and people who are like minded. Learning as much information as a can.

I'd like to meet:

Anybody with like interests. BUT, I do not want to deal with people who revel in drama and try to bring that crap into other peoples lives, troublemakers, assholes who are just here to give people shit, egomaniacs, Ignorant, arrogant, or dogmatic knuckleheads and other morons of the like. If your one of those types, please go somewhere else, I don't want to deal with you. Like I said before though, decent people with like interests feel free to let me know what's going on. Thank you.


Aaritila, Absurd, Abused, Adrenalin O.D., Adverts, (early) Aerosmith, Agitated, (early) Agnostic Front, A-Heads, Airmail, Alternative TV, Angry Samoans, Antidote (NY), Anti-Scrunti Faction, Appendix, Armia, Articles Of Faith, Artistic Decline, Asocial, Assuck, Asta Kask, Attentat, Au Pairs, Avengers, Babes In Toyland, Bags, Bastards (Fin.), Bauhaus, Les Baxter, (later) Beatles, (early) B-52’s, BGK, Big Boys, Bitch Boys, (early) Black Flag, Black Market Baby, Black Sabbath (Ozzy Years), Blight, Blondie, Bollocks/Law & Order, David Bowie, B-People, (early) Billy Bragg, Buttocks, Buzzcocks, Capital Punishment, Career Suicide, Johnny Cash, (early) Cause For Alarm, CH3, Chaos UK, Chaos Z, Charles Bronson, (early) Cheap Trick, Cheetah Chrome Motherfuckers, Cheifs, June Christy, Chronic Disorder, CIA, Cigarettes, Citizens Arrest, City-X, (early) Clash, Cocteau Twins, Code Of Honor, Code 13, Combustible Edison, Confuse, (early) Alice Cooper, (early) COC, (early) Elvis Costello, Crass, Creedence Clearwater Revival, Crisis, Crucifix, Crucifucks, (early) Cure, Damned, Bobby Darin, Miles Davis, Deadbeats, Dead Kennedys, (early) Deep Purple, Deep Wound, DS-13, Martin Denny, (early) Descendents, Desechables, Devo, Devoid Of Faith, Dezerter, Dicks, (early) Die Kruezen, Dils, (early) Discharge, Discordance Axis, Dishrags, Disorder, (early) DOA, Doom, (early) DRI, (early) Dr. Know, Drop Dead, Eat, (early) Echo & The Bunnymen, Effigies, Electric Deads, Eskorbuto, Juan Garcia Esquivel, Eu’s Arse, Execute, Faith, Fartz, Fastbacks, Fix, Flipper, 45 Grave, 4-Skins, Frantix, Freeze, Fucked Up, (early) Funeral Oration, FU’s, (early) GangGreen, (early) Gang Of Four, G-Anx Gauze, Genetic Control, Germs, Girlschool, Gism, Glo, Benny Goodman, Government Issue, Halo Of Flies, Hammerhead, Hated, Hated Youth, Hates, Headcleaners/Huvudtvatt, Hellnation, (early) Helmet, Jimi Hendrix, (early) Human League, (early) Husker Du, Icons Of Filth, (early) Ill Repute, Impact, Indigesti, Inferno, Infest, (early) Joe Jackson, Jam, (solo) Brian James, Jerry's Kids, JFA, Joy Division/Warsaw, Judas Priest, Kaaos, Kids, Killjoys, (early) Killing Joke, Klark Kent, Kleenex/Liliput, Kohu-63, Koro, Kraftwerk, Krakdown, Kraut, Krigshot, Kriminella Gitarrer, Kylesa, Lama, La Polla Records, Larm, Peggy Lee, Lewd, (early) Jerry Lee Lewis, Lipcream, Los Crudos, Lullibies, Mad, (early) Madness, Maho Neitsyt, (early) Magazine, Malinheads, Mars, Massmedia, Mau Maus, MDC, Meatmen, (early) Meat Puppets, Mecht Mensch, Media Disease, (early) Mekons, Mellaka, Melt Banana, Menace, Mentally Ill, Metal Urbain, Middle Class, Minor Threat, Minutemen, Missbrukarna, Mob (US & UK), Mob 47, Monitor, Motorhead, MyDolls, Naked Raygun, Necros, Negative Approach, Negative FX, Neon Christ, Neos, Nihilistics, 999, Nip Drivers, Nixe, Nog Watt, No Trend, (early) Gary Numan, Olho Seco, (early) O.M.D., Pagans, Paralisis Permenente, Partisans, Part 1, Peace Corpse, Peggio Punx, Penetration, (early) Pere Ubu, Tom Petty, PHC, Pink Floyd, Plasmatics, Plastics, Plimsouls, (early) Poison Girls, Poison Idea, (early) Police, PopDefect, (early) Psychedelic Furs, Psycho, PTL Klub, (early) PIL, Purrkurr Pillnikk, Putrid Fever, (early) Queen, (early) Queers, (early) Ramones, Rattus, Raped Teenagers, Raw Power, Razor Blades, Razzia (Sweden & German), Really Red, Rebel Truth, (early) Replacements, Residents, Rezillos, Rhino 39, (early) Charlie Rich, Riistetyt, Riot/Clone, Roach Motel, Rondos, Rubber City Rebels, Rude Kids, Rudimentary Peni, Rupture, Ruts, Rutto, Schund, Raymond Scott, Seems Twice, Sensuuri, Septic Death, (early) 7 Seconds, Sham 69, Sharks, (early) Shocking Blue, Sick Pleasure, Siege, Siekiera, (early) Siouxie, (early) Sisters Of Mercy, Six Minute War, Slade, Slug, SOA, (early) Social Unrest, Sods, Solger, Sound Of Disaster, Spazz, Specials, Spizz (up to Athelico Spizz 80), (early) SPK, Stalin, State, (early) Stiff Little Fingers, Stooges/Iggy, (early) Stupids, (early) Stranglers, Subhumans (Canada & UK), Suburban Lawns, Teenage Jesus & The Jerks, Teengenerate, Teen Idles, 10-96, Terveet Kadet, Theatre Of Hate, TNT (Spain & Switzerland), Total Fury, Totalitar, Tottus, Tozibabe, T. Rex, (early) TSOL, (early) Tubes, Turbonegro, Tuxedomoon, UBR, UK Subs, United Mutation, (early) Upright Citizens, Urban Waste, Urinals/100 Flowers, Usch, Ultimo Resorte, Vatican Commandos, Victims, Vilently Ill, Violent Minds, Void, Vorkreigsjugend, War Of Destruction, White Cross, Widows, Wipers, (early) Wire, World Burns To Death, Worst, Wretched, X-Ray Spex, (early) XTC, Yacopsae, Yardbirds, YDI, Your Funeral, Youth Korps, Zounds, Zyklome A, and hundreds of others!


And DVD's. Documentaries on old punk/hardcore/thrash, Beavis and Butthead, Adult Swim, Evil Dead trilogy, British comedy, Stand up comedy. Juvenile or bad humor comedy. Some rock documentaries. Weird art films and documentaries. etc.


Fuck TV it's sucks, you can throw in radio as well.


Books on punk/hardcore/thrash, art movements, some political commentary, REAL fanzines, Documentations, and even some really off shit like Answer Me, or DeSade.


have all disappointed me.

My Blog

Turn and face the strain, changes

For those who don't already know. I'm moving out of California, and back to Nebraska. I leave in mid-March. those who have my cell , call let me know if you want hang out, once I'm gone it's goin...
Posted by Thrashead on Sun, 24 Feb 2008 06:37:00 PST

Im Not Dead Yet.....

I guess I'm back from the virtual dead; the real concrete world outside the internet has kept me more than busy over the last few months. I've worked a couple temp jobs, finished my last semester of s...
Posted by Thrashead on Sun, 20 Jan 2008 02:01:00 PST