comedy, baseball, writing, television, film, video games, James Bond, classiness, ethics, Vegas, Texas Hold 'em,
Be sane. Be rational.
Be the opposite of bitter. Sarcasm is fun, but only in small doses.
Don't be what I like to call "anti-anti," which means don't hate on everything. Don't be too cool for school.
Disagree with someone, but don't judge them. Consider the fact that you might be wrong on occasion.
Don't have double standards.
Don't like to fight. When you have to fight, fight fair. When you're hurt, express it, don't hurt back.
Don't litter.
Don't make people feel bad for doing the right thing.
Don't take people or things for granted.
Give back.
Try not to think you're better than everyone too often; you very well may be, that's not your decision to make.
Don't hate on America and Americans - it's got flaws just like you. If you have never made any sort of contribution to society, don't criticize the people who run it.
Don't be so unhappy with yourself to the point where you insult the people who think you're great.
Cockiness and low self-esteem make for a terrible combination: unnecessary inconsolability.
Don't be so hyper-intelligent that you somehow come to the conclusion that there's no hope for you or anyone else.
Take responsibility. Fix your own mistakes. Make mistakes. Tell people your problems, but don't be angry or surprised when they can't get behind your bad decisions.
Eat what you want.
Do what you want. If you smoke, you had better love it. Don't waste your time with things you neither like nor feel good about.
Respect the people in your life enough to be punctual.
Remember: There but for the Grace of God/Allah/Jehovah/Buddha/The Great Spirit/Blind Dumb Luck, go I.
If I can't find that, then I guess I'd still like to meet a bisexual nymphomaniac gymnast masseuse who owns a liquor store/Best Buy with a Taco Bell drive through.
A single Evelyn Ng.
Anything by white people. Just kidding. No gays either. But seriously folks - Sam Cooke, Paul Simon, Billy Joel, Foo Fighters, Head Automatica, Tenacious D, Elliott Smith, My Chemical Romance, AC/DC, Journey, Styx, The Larry's, Powder, Alice in Chains, Boston, Pearl Jam, Soundgarden, Guns n' Roses, James Brown, Frank Sinatra, Johnny Cash, Herb Alpert and the Tijuana Brass, Maroon 5, Dan the Automator. Some guilty pleasures like: Barenaked Ladies, Avril Lavigne, Paul Oakenfold, Justin Timberlake.
Brick, V for Vendetta, Kiss Kiss Bang Bang, A History of Violence, Serenity, Swingers, Out of Sight, The Sting, The Spanish Prisoner, Evil Dead, Glengarry Glen Ross, Big Trouble in Little China, From Dusk Till Dawn, Zero Effect, Donnie Darko, Big Fish, Field of Dreams, Brick, The Ref, Quick Change, Groundhog Day, Tao of Steve, Goldfinger, Blade, Fright Night, The Goonies, Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom, Spartan, Real Genius, Super Troopers, Wet Hot American Summer, Signs, Unbreakable, Boondock saints, Amelie, Dummy eighty million more.
Adult Swim, Arrested Development, The Shield, Smallville, MADtv, Kids in the Hall, Upright Citizens Brigade, Futurama, Family Guy, Reno 911, The State, Conan O'Brien, Strangers with Candy, Sports Night, South Park, Curb Your Enthusiasm, Dr. Katz, Aqua Teen Hunger Force, Sealab 2021, Harvey Birdman, Seinfeld, Man Bites Dog
Still Life with Woodpecker, Positively Fifth Street, The Spanish American War: In Words and Pictures, Everybody Poops, Dilbert Volumes I-XXIV.
Jack Black, Denis Leary, Aeneas, Indiana Jones, Ash, James Bond, David Mamet, Ricky Jay, The Bobsey Twins, Andrew Jackson, Winston Churchill, Major Dad