"PETER PARKER: SPIDER-MAN" is a non-profit fan produced web cast series based on the characters of Spider-Man and is being created as a proposal to Marvel Productions for a television series.
This proposed series will be an action/adventure/ drama that focuses more on Peter Parker and how his secret life as Spider-Man affects him and the people closest to him. The web series is created by a small group of Independent filmmakers called WEB SPINNER PRODUCTIONS. This series is an original re-imaging of the Spider-Man characters and is not a spin-off of the movie franchise.
Web Spinner Productions hopes to demonstrate that a series about Peter Parker and the characters of Spider-Man can accomplished the same level of success as the "Smallville" series has done with Clark Kent and the characters of Superman.
This web cast concept series will be posted in episodes on the official web series site WWW.PETERPARKERSPIDERMAN.COM for your viewing enjoyment. Promotional segments and episode previews will be posted on MySpaceTV, YouTube, and this MySpace page.
Regardless of the final outcome for the series proposal, we hope to at least achieve industry exposure and recognition for the talents and skills of the web series cast and crew.
Finally, it is Web Spinner Productions' goal to adapt Peter Parker and his world as faithfully as possible to the computer screen, but we of course do not have the budget and the resources of Sam Raimi, Marvel Productions, Sony, and Columbia Pictures.
Web Spinner Productions is a non-profit Independent film production group and is not associated with Marvel Comics, Marvel Productions, Sony, or Columbia Pictures.
Spider-Man is the property of Marvel Comics. All Rights Reserved
Myspace Layouts at Pimp-My-Profile.com / Untitled