*rowan* profile picture


dancing in the purple rain

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

...pillowfight video below: more madness&mayhem courtesy of those magnificent mobile clubbing folks. plentymuch violent fun with feathers...


if you add together all the lists all my friends have made that almost covers it... i am just too lazy to make an endless list...


lynch, greenaway & labyrinth [again i suffer with the lazyness, there are so so many more]


don't have one. i miss nature programs. and muppets.


little prince, blind owl, angela carter, HST, doris lessing, burroughs, hesse, chomsky, castenada, narnia, verso, dave mckean, sienkiewicz, tank girl ...

My Blog


Am going to start posting the Schnews bulletin as often as i can - its the real news... big ups to the schnews team - spread the word... FOR CORRESPONDENCE USE schnews@brighton.co.uk THANK YOU. For th...
Posted by *rowan* on Wed, 26 Sep 2007 03:49:00 PST

concrete jungle

... so i have ended up back in london again, horizons blocked out by all the walls, noise and human smells. working for a lovely homeless charity trying to help a few confused souls sort their lives o...
Posted by *rowan* on Sat, 16 Sep 2006 11:27:00 PST

...how to donate to help africa

 We know that donating won't fix the problem, its only crisis containment, and an easy option, revolution is needed but we're not there yet... the following aid agencies work thro...
Posted by *rowan* on Sat, 18 Feb 2006 06:46:00 PST