Bringing MASSIVE to the masses.
(my mind is like a steel trap,
there's nothing I like better than playing a challenging word game after a night out,
well not much more anyway,
pretty girls,
pretty girls at parties,
making people laugh,
going out,
pretty girls in pants at parties,
singing really loudly when no one's home,
having adventures,
and shouting at the sea,
there's quite a lot I like more than that when I come to think of it,
hey ho,
it's still pretty up there though,
scrabble rocks).
Most games in general really,
your mum,
loose cars&fast women,
bathtub gin,
being bad,
having the most fun,
running with wolves,
riding the dragon,
making films,
sneakin'in the back,
tellin' tales,
the thrill of the chase,
taking it too far,
"We are all in the gutter..,
but some of us are looking at the bars."
Flirting and leisurely pursuit
(pah! to one night stands,
there's no mystery and romance?)
it's all about antici..................pation.
1). "He's out of my league and emotionally unavailable."
2). "I've only just got round to reading your 'about me' section,
After half an hour, I was STILL reading!
What a lot of people don't understand is that it's true and that's what is both funny and not funny about it all..,"
3). "You manage to make more out of a personal lust for self destruction than anyone i've ever met."
4). "Get a phone book with real paper that nobody will steal and then cable-tie it to your ego so that you don't lose it."
1 - An extremely pretty, massively fun, and possibly French, contortionist in a red and white polka dot dress.
2 - Polka dot dress wearing pretty girls in general,
3 - Veronica Mars (who I secretly love).
4 - Buffy (who I also secretly love, but not as much as Veronica, although she does have slayer strength so actually it's probably even stevens between them both).
5 - Shiney McShine (the piano genius from the movie shine).
6 - FUN PEOPLE for the having of adventures.
7 - CLEVER PEOPLE for the solving of mysteries.
8 - NAUGHTY PEOPLE for the getting up to of mischief.
9 - CRAZY FOOLS for the getting up to of crazyness.
10 - the girl with the wooden eye who keeps making legs at me.
1 - Ignorant, red faced, emotionaly stunted, agressive fucks who populate the streets every weekend, bringing down the worlds I.Q. and generally being violent, nasty, unpleasant fucks, stop it, you fucks, be nice, it's easy, all you have to do is smile, and perhaps stop hating everything.
2 - Any of those people who you see hitting/screaming/shouting at their children in the street, get a grip, your a grown adult, they're a baby, A BABY, just because you made it doesn't mean your allowed to break it, jesus, I wouldn't treat Jim Davidson like that (and I hate Jim Davidson), if you can't love them then don't fucking have them.
3 - Jim Davidson and Vinnie Jones - arghh you are animals.
Way too much to list,
but I have a lot of love for springsteen's 'dancing in the dark' at the moment.
And a massive love for Rupert Holmes - Escape (the pina colada song)
Sad things,
happy things,
things that rock so much that you absolutely have to rock no matter where you are.
The ferocious splendour that is E.L.O.,
stuff with a big brass section,
fun stuff,
the amelie soundtrack,
jazz (delicious hot, disgusting cold),
tom waits,
dexy's midnight runners (god's teeth they were fucking awesome),
the scissor sisters (as I am a shameless celebrity whore,
and they are ace friends, and very much fun).
Always - different for girls by joe jackson.
Right now am particularly loving Camera Obscura and Los Campesinos.
the sting,
withnail & i,
big lebowski,
way of the gun,
once upon a time in china1,2&3,
pi (best jewish horror film about maths ever).
Hopefully (if they make it dark) his dark materials,
And eventually ones with me in them.
Will not be revolutionised.
I don't watch it, gives me the shivers.
Dr.Edens bumper book of tawdry romance,
stone junction,
the twits,
alices both wonderland&looking glass,
dark materials,
where the wild things are,
house of leaves,
mr nosey,
Douglas Adams, Ed Bunker, Kinski uncut, Chuck Palahniuk, James Ellroy, Walter Mosley, Iceberg Slim, Tom Robbins, and a million, million others.
Hunter S.T.
Columbo (especially when he solves the crime using only his shambling gait,
turning back and saying "there's just one more thing",
an unlit cigar butt, a dirty raincoat, references to 'Mrs Columbo' and of course the ever present flimsy cobweb of guesswork and supposition, and that's always, because he's a massively shit hot detective, be warned Donald Pleasance who murdered his brother in the vintage wine cellar, and thought he could match wits and out fox the slueth of the decade, oh you poor, deluded fool).
Dennis Hopper in true romance
(the eggplant speach is the best piece of film ever, FACT).
The Boy and The Girl.
Very, very much ace and the best things I made,
of course my first wife played her part in it I suppose.
She did morals, conscience, and toenails.
While I did looks, inteligence and being massively fun.
Terry Thomas.
FLEETWOOD MAC just for making rumours
(have listened to it every day for 12 whole years, It. Is. Awesome, FACT).
Anyone who is willing and able to raise the party bar regardless of sense,
and consequence,
(you know who you are sinners, we are the bestest ever, FACT).
People who know the difference between an oxymoron and a tautology.
New friends,
old friends,
and especialy the Mayorettes,
those loyal supporters of Eden's Mayoral Campaign
(we are going to make london smile, FACT).