The great outdoors, dressing up, pulling stupid faces, Exhibit A...
lucid dreaming and running my fingers along dangly earing racks. Target practice, hugs, skiing, fake kick boxing (my own style, perfected over 6 months), badminton(last played age 9), drawing naked people, passionate people, pipedreaming, inspiring people, elastic people, monochromes, schmelding, jappery, food of exotic combinations, having one on one rants with Priministers Question Time, dancing on my kitchen table, staying as fit as is absolutely necessary, avoiding the joy of smoking, drinking regularly. If I was an animal I would be one of the following: elephant, drake, pantha, hippo, eagle, platypus, monkey, killer whale, cockerel, koala....chameleon.
Talented losers like myself.
On the bright side, anything that makes me jump out of bed and use my hairbrush as a microphone is always a good place to start, and on the dark side I like tunes that make you shut your eyes as they pound sensual rhythms throughout your body and educate your soul.I really do like everything, yes even classical.Make way for THE BEST MUSIC VIDEO EVER CREATED.....
Get this video and more at
When I was little I rented Ghostbusters over 78 times, that has to be some kind of record.
Three words- Dick Van Dyke, Oh yeah and these guys...
The Time Travellers Wife by Audrey Niffenegger, Phillip Pullman-The Dark Trilogies, Middlexsex by Jeffrey Euginides, Eleven Minutes by Paulo Coelho and CHAV! by Mia Wallace and Clint Spanner.
Without a doubt...Danger Mouse and all those who have a positive effect on the people/flora/forna directly around them-we can change the world! oh and Penfold.