Laughing, writing, reading, writing, dancing, loving, laughing.
Kind strangers, fun strangers, strange strangers, handsome strangers, miscellaneous strangers... Oh, and people we know...
Go on, you know you want to...
Not reviewing, but certainly dancing to.
Film Four
(mega-zines): No Quarter, Toy Pirate, Litro, Goldfish Nation, The Drawing Moustaches In Magazines Monthly Magazine, (seriously, that's what it's called, it's funking hilarious) Full Moon Empty Sports Bag, Hooker, Stranger, Pamflet, Ditched, Rag, One Week To Live, Marmalade, BlowBack, Bitch, Shebang, Uplift and many more... if it's funny, or free, we'll eat it.
Zadie Smith, because she said this...
"I just wanted to tell you that receiving your zine in the post made me feel that the present situation for women is possibly not as absolutely fucking awful as I had previously felt it to be. It was a little ray of pink and black hope. Thank you for thinking of me and keep up the good work,
from an old feminist,
and us lot, because we said the stuff that made her say that...
Marie Berry,
CJ Malone,
Candy Galore,
Miss C Deliss
Hilary Hazard,
General Eysing
(ya big bastard ya),
Eric Page (Agony, Uncle)
Carmel Downes,
Wendy Dandicat,
Freida Peeps.
KB would also like to welcome a new addition to the fold, Cornelia Dainty, who's filthy mind and remarkable ability to insight religious hatred has us rolling in the aisles on an hourly basis. Whoa sister.
We would also like to thank...
Lost & Found for their unparalleled dedication to fun.
Iolanthe the Yankee for getting the job done,
The devastatingly handsome Eden, the Future Mayor of London, who's good looks will plague the pages of KB for as long as I want them to (indefinitely).
Matt, Alex and Seb for representing all that is good about man.
The Mumble women for keeping it up
The boys for getting down
The circus/dinner club in it's entirety.
And massive love thanks and whoops to everyone who reads, loves and passes on our efforts to entertain.
What. A. Team.
Finally, and most heroically, Uncle Ian. The man.