KnockBack profile picture


I am here for Dating, Serious Relationships, Friends and Networking

About Me

KnockBack is a funny magazine.
It used to be a funny magazine for women but we found that a bit divisive, it's aimed at women, but if you're not a woman you can still read it. It's funny because it's well written, and has jokes in. We don't sell space to advertising, mainly because adverts are SHIT but also because we are not motivated by money, we are motivated by magazines like Cosmopolitan, Heat and the rest of the shit rags that pass for women's media. They motivate us by spouting unbearable, exclamation mark entrenched bollocks that makes us die a little on the inside. We at KB know that they are missing the mark, and so here we are, putting the mark into print for your viewing pleasure. It used to be free, but that was when the editor lived in her parents house and had a well paid job. Unfortunately she moved out and went freelance so now if you want it we want you to go to paypal and give us some money, there's a donate button on this very page. It doesn't have to be much, but you know, a token couple of quid for the effort. If you don't want to, we will still send it to you but only if you say please and mean it. I suppose if we were like other magazines we would have stockists, but we are not like other magazines and when we do have stockists they only have stock for a couple of minutes then they have to wait another two weeks for one of us to get our arses in gear and carry a load more there so it's a bit slap dash really.
The issue on the shelves at the moment is KB Well-Dressed, it's still A5, it's 2 colour throughout and dammit if its not still top notch KBism, some say it's the best one yet, we say it's not a competition, but it's good to know.The issue we're working on now, although let's not get excited because we don't really do deadlines as they're traditionally understood, is the Vice issue. Not Vice as in self-congratulating vehicle for American Apparel adverts gratuitously gory with occasional spattering of funny free magazine kind of Vice mind, vice as in naughty things people do. If you would like to contribute, keep it under 600 words, make it funny, to the point and spell checked and whang it at Hilary Hazard ([email protected]). Be warned, if you send a five thousand word social commentary about serious feminist issues she will probably kindly request that you fuck off, she hasn't got all day and she doesn't care about your feelings, which is why we like her. If, however, you want a diplomatic response to a proper question, contact Marie Berry ([email protected]) who will probably not swear at you. The website will have more succinct contributor guidelines soon, as well as a home page that makes sense and some useful information that hasn't already expired by the time it's been uploaded. So look out for that.
In the meantime...
Hello. We're Team KB, who're you?

My Interests

Laughing, writing, reading, writing, dancing, loving, laughing.

I'd like to meet:

Kind strangers, fun strangers, strange strangers, handsome strangers, miscellaneous strangers... Oh, and people we know...

Go on, you know you want to...


Not reviewing, but certainly dancing to.




Film Four


(mega-zines): No Quarter, Toy Pirate, Litro, Goldfish Nation, The Drawing Moustaches In Magazines Monthly Magazine, (seriously, that's what it's called, it's funking hilarious) Full Moon Empty Sports Bag, Hooker, Stranger, Pamflet, Ditched, Rag, One Week To Live, Marmalade, BlowBack, Bitch, Shebang, Uplift and many more... if it's funny, or free, we'll eat it.


Zadie Smith, because she said this...
"I just wanted to tell you that receiving your zine in the post made me feel that the present situation for women is possibly not as absolutely fucking awful as I had previously felt it to be. It was a little ray of pink and black hope. Thank you for thinking of me and keep up the good work,
from an old feminist,
and us lot, because we said the stuff that made her say that...
Marie Berry,
CJ Malone,
Candy Galore,
Miss C Deliss
Hilary Hazard,
General Eysing
(ya big bastard ya),
Eric Page (Agony, Uncle) Carmel Downes,
Wendy Dandicat,
Freida Peeps.
KB would also like to welcome a new addition to the fold, Cornelia Dainty, who's filthy mind and remarkable ability to insight religious hatred has us rolling in the aisles on an hourly basis. Whoa sister.
We would also like to thank...
Lost & Found for their unparalleled dedication to fun.
Iolanthe the Yankee for getting the job done,
The devastatingly handsome Eden, the Future Mayor of London, who's good looks will plague the pages of KB for as long as I want them to (indefinitely).
Matt, Alex and Seb for representing all that is good about man.
The Mumble women for keeping it up
The boys for getting down
The circus/dinner club in it's entirety.
And massive love thanks and whoops to everyone who reads, loves and passes on our efforts to entertain.
What. A. Team.
Finally, and most heroically, Uncle Ian. The man.

My Blog

Toy Mayorette

Kev Soar  of Toy Pirate infamy asked me some questions about the London election, then turned my ranting into a very lucid and well written article.  I am a big fan of his, and until m...
Posted by KnockBack on Fri, 02 May 2008 05:18:00 PST


Actually.QUIT.I quit my stupid boring pointless role as an administrator.I don’t really know what I was thinking being an administrator anyway, I mean yeesh, anyone who’s ever tried to joi...
Posted by KnockBack on Mon, 31 Mar 2008 03:28:00 PST


Please note my desire to include a joke about being stockist that would have gone something along the lines of 'we're not stock ist anymore' that I overruled because it wasn't funny, and would no doub...
Posted by KnockBack on Tue, 26 Feb 2008 08:31:00 PST

In your face

Book.If facebook is your procrastination station of choice these days. You can join the KnockBack group. KnockBack Face GroupSometimes we send stuff to 'all group members' and you never know, that stu...
Posted by KnockBack on Mon, 25 Feb 2008 05:59:00 PST

Critics choice

the party is time out's critics choice, let's pretend that doesn't make us fucking terrified and instead pretend like we totally expected that, which critic wouldn't chose us for crying out loud...err...
Posted by KnockBack on Wed, 20 Feb 2008 04:14:00 PST

For the record

I said 'vacuous' not 'airhead'.I wouldn't say 'airhead'It would make me sound vacuous.
Posted by KnockBack on Mon, 19 Nov 2007 03:39:00 PST

better late than...

Wasn't in the Telegraph last Saturday, will be this Saturday.Like crying wolf but an honest mistake.That's the news.Tell you what, don't buy it, if you don't want to, I'll photocopy my bit and put it ...
Posted by KnockBack on Wed, 14 Nov 2007 03:43:00 PST

Another week, another paper

I said something about my thoughts on the rise of 'Girls with Guitars', to a woman who writes for The Telegraph.Find out what it was (your guess is as good as mine) this Saturday, in The Telegraph, if...
Posted by KnockBack on Thu, 01 Nov 2007 09:18:00 PST

good bit

Well now, finally we've got a bit of coverage that is bang on the money. The journalist was hot, the website is cool and not only did he get all the quotes right, he offered me the chance to veto them...
Posted by KnockBack on Thu, 11 Oct 2007 07:10:00 PST

Holy shit

I'm in the Observer woman on Sunday (9th September) in a feature about up-and-coming British feminists.I was a bit pissed and right petulant in the interview, so much so that the journo's second quest...
Posted by KnockBack on Mon, 03 Sep 2007 08:09:00 PST