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The List

The Bay Area List (Show info)

About Me

The List

The List is e-mailed out each week. A printed copy is published about once a month. To subscribe/unsubscribe to the e-mailling of the list send a request to the below e-mail address. If you want a funk/punk/thrash/ska show listed, send your info to one of the below.NOTE: For e-mail, TEXT ONLY - no attachments or HTMLe-mail skoepke at stevelist dot comsnail mail: The List, P.O. Box 2451, Richmond, CA 94802Due to cost and time constraints, I only do the U.S. Postal Service mailing to people that have either sent me Self Addressed Envelopes (one for each mounthly mailing you want), Or $1 for two monthly mailings.LIST OF SOME OF THE WEB PAGES THAT CARRY THE LIST (out of date sites have been removed)James Marshall's Page Jon Luini List PageMichael's Page List Page Pacific Noise CalendarBELOW ARE MORE SHOW/SCENE PAGESAtlanta/Athens Show Info S.F. Bay Area Goth Shows Info S.F. Bay Area Honky Tonk/Rockabilly S.F. Bay Area Ska Page D.C./MD/VA area show listHawaii Show Page Minneapolis/Twin Cities New Orleans D.I.Y. site Pittsburgh Area Show List Pollstar - Industry Publication site Portland, OR show list Redding/Chico Area Shows Sacramento Area Shows [email protected] Sacramento Area Mailing ListSouthern Calif. Area ShowsTICKET VENDERSVirtuous Tickets Ticketmaster 415-421-8497 510-762-2277/415-478-2277 Ticketweb 510-601-8932Refrigerator magnets: one for $1 postpaid three for $2 postpaid 50 cents at showsA.F.I. The Gr'ups M.D.C. Mr. T Experience Naked Aggression Oppressed Logic Pansy Division Subincision Strychnine Sheephead TiltMagnets are now available for $1 at: Grace's Antiques and Collectables, 1st Street at Parker, RodeoLast updated March 21, 2007

My Interests


Member Since: 11/13/2005
Type of Label: None

My Blog

The List - Nov. 29th - Dec. 5th

nov. 29th tue. Dekoiz, The Scrawnies, Overdrive A.D. at Studio Z, 314 11th Street, S.F. 21+ $3 8pm ** Avenged Sevenfold, Saosin, Death By Stereo, Bullets & Octane at the Fillmore, S.F. a/a $20 7p...
Posted by The List on Tue, 29 Nov 2005 10:20:00 PST

Nov 21st-27th

nov 21 mon Animal Collective, Octisat Great American Music Hall, S.F. a/a $18 7pm/8pm *nov 21 mon Solid Dollar, Casino Royale, Pink Sabbathat the Elbo Room, S.F. 21+ $5 9pm *nov 21 mon Atomic Mint, Th...
Posted by The List on Mon, 14 Nov 2005 02:10:00 PST


12 Galaxies, 2565 Mission St., S.F. 21+ 415-970-9777Auto3321, 3321 Telegraph Ave., Oakland a/aBalazo 18, 2811 Mission, S.F. a/a 415-550-1108Blake's, 2367 Telegraph, Berkeley 18+ 510-848-0886Blank Club...
Posted by The List on Mon, 14 Nov 2005 01:04:00 PST

Nov 14th-20th

Nov 14 - Nov 20 nov 14 mon Death Cab For Cutie, Stars at Warfield, S.F. a/a $25 7pm/8pm # ** @ nov 14 mon Vaux, The Letters Organize, Forthmorning       at the Bottom of ...
Posted by The List on Mon, 14 Nov 2005 12:36:00 PST

What is "The List"

The List The List is e-mailed out each week.  A printed copy is publishedabout once a month.To subscribe/unsubscribe to the e-mailling of the list senda request to the below e-mail address.If you...
Posted by The List on Mon, 14 Nov 2005 10:15:00 PST