fraggle profile picture


Beer does a fraggle good

About Me

beer beer beer beer beer beer beer beer beer beer beer beer beer beer beer beer beer beer beer beer beer beer beer beer beer beer beer beer beer beer beer beer beer beer beer beer beer beer beer beer

My Interests

beer, punk, beer, travel, beer, homebrew, beer, vegany

I'd like to meet:

an intelligent bush supporter.... its ok..i'll wait as long as it takes


punkpunkpunk, with a smatterin of rockabilly,ska and those mongolian throat singers then again, i've caught myself dancing to birdsongs in the backyard and snapping my fingers to that rockin beat the refrigerator motor makes... ...turbonegro, la plebe, rebel spell, strychnine, workin stiffs, reducers SF, Epoxies, Everything Must Go, jewdriver, intrepid aaf, special forces, old LA stuff, 76% Uncertain, kraut,ramones, adolescents, AOD, Special Duties, Business, Oxymoron, The Ruts, Vatican Commandoes, Naked Raygun, CH3, Subhumans,The Lewd, the generators, Special duties, DOA, Restarts, DI, Dicks, Partisans, Descendents, Reagan Youth(ahh..remember when everyone had a "I HATE REAGAN" song? thems were the days), Grimple, Eskapo, i just suppose to go on ferever?


LOTR, SLC Punk, Heavy Metal, New Wave Hookers, Repo Man, Clockwork Orange, Monty Python The Holy Grail,They Live, Resevoir Dogs, Return of the Living Dead(has some of the best quotes out there), Big Trouble in Little China, umm..i'll get back to you


tv tastes like burning.....


Maus I & II, that Wheel Of Time Series,Malazan Book of the Fallen, beer magazines, Watership Down, Noam chomsky, howard zinn, michael moore, HP Lovecraft, Tolkien, Mists of Avalon, tank girl comics, the Tick comic,travel books, gardenin books, history


they're all bloody well useless, now ain't they?

My Blog

obama mccain i was bored and decided to look at both dms and repugs web sites for the chosen poster boys...and nader just to look both repugs and demmies immediately start off with a "give me money dammit" ...
Posted by fraggle on Sun, 08 Jun 2008 12:09:00 PST

Why they hate us

February 6, 2008Why They Hate UsThe Whining EmpireBy SHELDON RICHMANWhat's more obnoxious than a person who constantly whines about thereal and imagined injustices committed against him while ignoring...
Posted by fraggle on Wed, 06 Feb 2008 12:24:00 PST

Barley Wine Fest is a-comin

Toronado Barley Wine Festival 2008 Description:Saturday February 16 to Saturday 23, 2008Toronado Barley Wine Festival 2008 Location: Toronado, 547 Haight, San Francisco, CaliforniaTime(s): 11:30 AM t...
Posted by fraggle on Mon, 04 Feb 2008 04:06:00 PST

Fascist Amerikkka in ten easy steps

From Hitler to Pinochet and beyond, history shows there are certain steps that any would-be dictator must take to destroy constitutional freedoms. And, argues Naomi Wolf, George Bush and his administr...
Posted by fraggle on Mon, 24 Sep 2007 12:17:00 PST

Shamu Stew

FU Shamu, and the wave you rode in onby Ed Naha | Sep 18 2007 - 9:54am |article tools: email | print | read more Ed NahaJust how deep does Bush's "I is Sparticus" attitude run in thisgovernment? Appar...
Posted by fraggle on Wed, 19 Sep 2007 12:53:00 PST

Michael Jackson RIP

Beer writer Michael Jackson dies at his home in London.. /kicker & headline -->.. subhead -->.. /subhead -->.. byline --> The Associated Press Published: August 31, 2007 .. /byline -->.. body text -...
Posted by fraggle on Fri, 31 Aug 2007 10:25:00 PST

Toronado 20th Anniversary

August 11, 2007Toronado 20th Anniversary CelebrationDescription:Come help us celebrate our 20th Anniversary, Saturday August 11th at the Toronado at 5:00PM.Some of the Beers:1. The Toronado 20th Anniv...
Posted by fraggle on Wed, 08 Aug 2007 09:43:00 PST

Mission Accomplished

Dave Lindorff: Four Years After May 1, 2003: Are We Winning Yet?Submitted by BuzzFlash on Tue, 05/01/2007 - 2:31pm. GuestContributionA BUZZFLASH GUEST CONTRIBUTIONby Dave LindorffIt's been four years ...
Posted by fraggle on Thu, 03 May 2007 11:20:00 PST


..> Remember folks - the pound is strong at the moment so unfortunately beer/transport etc may cost more than you might be used to... Who I'd like to meet:All of you at the next B.O.B Fest in Bath...
Posted by fraggle on Fri, 23 Mar 2007 04:36:00 PST

its my party and i'll cry if i want to

Egads so...the last of the 30's rolls away...hello 4.0 ugh. mourning for my shuffling further into is time for everyone to come get drunk with me... Sunday March 25th 2pm...
Posted by fraggle on Fri, 09 Mar 2007 04:21:00 PST