beer, punk, beer, travel, beer, homebrew, beer, vegany
an intelligent bush supporter.... its ok..i'll wait as long as it takes
punkpunkpunk, with a smatterin of rockabilly,ska and those mongolian throat singers then again, i've caught myself dancing to birdsongs in the backyard and snapping my fingers to that rockin beat the refrigerator motor makes... ...turbonegro, la plebe, rebel spell, strychnine, workin stiffs, reducers SF, Epoxies, Everything Must Go, jewdriver, intrepid aaf, special forces, old LA stuff, 76% Uncertain, kraut,ramones, adolescents, AOD, Special Duties, Business, Oxymoron, The Ruts, Vatican Commandoes, Naked Raygun, CH3, Subhumans,The Lewd, the generators, Special duties, DOA, Restarts, DI, Dicks, Partisans, Descendents, Reagan Youth(ahh..remember when everyone had a "I HATE REAGAN" song? thems were the days), Grimple, Eskapo, i just suppose to go on ferever?
LOTR, SLC Punk, Heavy Metal, New Wave Hookers, Repo Man, Clockwork Orange, Monty Python The Holy Grail,They Live, Resevoir Dogs, Return of the Living Dead(has some of the best quotes out there), Big Trouble in Little China, umm..i'll get back to you
tv tastes like burning.....
Maus I & II, that Wheel Of Time Series,Malazan Book of the Fallen, beer magazines, Watership Down, Noam chomsky, howard zinn, michael moore, HP Lovecraft, Tolkien, Mists of Avalon, tank girl comics, the Tick comic,travel books, gardenin books, history
they're all bloody well useless, now ain't they?