nomad spike profile picture

nomad spike

cheapskate bleedin' queer

About Me

nomad. punk. chef. drunkclown.
You murder time and truth, love, laughter and belief. So don't try to touch my heart, it's darker than you think. And don't try to read my mind because it's full of disappearing ink.
Spent a rather uneventful childhood in New York and Florida. At 17, I packed my bags and headed to L.A. After 3 years of madness working as a paparazzi in Hollywood, I discovered The Clash - and punk - in '77. I jacked in my job and spent ost of my time going to punk shows and photographing the L.A. scene. In '81, bored of the USA, I left the states for London and eventually settled in Athens. Greece became my base for the next 12 years and I smuggled silk and did whatever was necessary to get by until I was offered a job as a cook on a Greek island in '87. Spent the next 10 years chefing in Greece, traveling in S.E. Asia and hanging with friends in Europe. I returned to the states in '97, to San Francisco. Catering and web design pay the bills and punk keeps me sane...

My Interests

dig hanging w/ good friends, wild drinking sessions, punk rock, dive bars, gigs, misfits, hooligans, good food, roaming the globe, hot sex, taking the piss, islands, d.i.y.

I'd like to meet:

sexy, challenging, wild, eccentric, sensual, rocking hellions...


the (early) clash, X, the undertones, stiff little fingers, the twots, teenage harlets, the (original) avengers, x-ray spex, velvet underground, U.X.A., the spits, elvis costello, the scrid hunters, garage...


porn, 28 days later, 1st planet of the apes

