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About Me

MgM Förderverein is run entirley by volunteers, and has the tasks to educate about the landmine problem in Africa and most importantly to support the work of the Non-Profit N.G.O. MgM (Stiftung Menschen gegen Minen e.V./ Foundation People aginst Landmines) by raising funds to support the on-going landmine clearance operations in Africa.
MgM (Stiftung Menschen gegen Minen e.V./ Foundation People against Landmines) is an active landmine clearance organization operating in Angola, Southern Africa.
Infrastructures in this country afflicted by civil wars are being rebuilt successfully. Main focus for MgM crews include roads or railway networks, markets and water wells. Only when these are free of mines can the refugees return to their homes and other organizations can begin to seed their programs of peace.
Human Mine clearance in post war scenarios are full of risks. Exact knowledge or assessments of present danger is not always 100%, but demining technology helps to reduce the risks.
MgM's S.O.P.s, or Standard Operation Procedures, are internationally approved. Latest technologies and armour provide highest possible levels of safety for operators and end-users. Our safety records are impeccable.
For more info visit MgM:
and this one is straight from the heart ... of mama africa.
19 anti Tank mines were carefully collected by MgM crew in Melunga wa Shikongo, Angola and are ready to be destroyed.
The resulting blast was recorded from several 100 meters away and you can see (and hear) it if you click the link below:
Help clean up landmines in Africa.
or by direct transfer to
Stadtsparkasse Düsseldorf
Rethelstr. 171
D- 40237 Düsseldorf
Account: 100 43 19 875
Bank Code (BLZ): 300 501 10
IBAN: DE65 3005 0110 1004 3198 75

For a small donation of € 10 to cover shipping & handling costs
MgM (Menschen gegen Minen/ People against Landmines) will send you 100 of these beautiful postcards for your next Reggae event!

My Interests



Hendrik Ehlers
Hans Georg Krüßen