brazilian jiu jitsu, any MMA fights, Stand-up, SLOW JAMZ, balut eating competitions, um..what else. Hand on knee, up caress.
I hear Entourage is it right now, Family Guy I could watch for days, The Office from the U.K. Ricky Gervais, Arrested Development, curb your enthusiasm and the UFC tv show.
FAMILY 1STmanny pacquiao is the biggest thing to happen for filipinos in world sports, plus he is vasiyan.LAPU LAPU he sliced up ferdinand magellan. The original Flip warrior. some say the ferdinand magellan actually died by jumping off the ship into 6ft deep waters to fight the filipinos, but his armour was too heavy and drowned. The spanish couldn't right that in the books.THE Gracies for bringing brazilian Jiu jitsu to north america and changing the face of martial arts today.Bruce lee.Muhammed ali.Richard pryor.