Chong Li profile picture

Chong Li


About Me

I have never been defeated in the Kumite. I am currently the champion. I hold the fastest knockout. At the last Kumite, i kicked a guy in the throat and watched him die. I have no mercy for no one. I eat weights and love to flex my enormous pectorials. I have a deadly right leg.

My Interests

*kicking people in the throat and watching them die

*breaking huge ice blocks

*splitting people's shin bone

*moving my arms up and down after i win a match and not making any noise when i celebrate

*throwing salt in pill form

*flexing my pecs


Kumite theme songandWu-tang Clan


Bloodsport, Enter the dragon, Double Impact, and any lucy thai video


my current friend (with benefits)


Any book that has One liners. It is easy for me to read.
Weak stomachs for dummies