Myspace Comments
Alaskan Polar Bear Heater: 2 shots of vodka, a little rum, some bitters, a smidgen of vinegar, a shot of vermouth, a shot of gin, a shot of scotch, a little brandy, a lemon peel, orange peel, cherry, more scotch. "mix it nice" and pour it into a tall glass.
I'll smoke it with you bro, we'll go to the loony bin together.......I don't give a fuck.
Step aside momma....I want to see some of that muff.
You can't swing a dead cat in this town,
without hitting one.
I'm in no possition to go into the unknown
not knowing
If I wanted to be a piece of exercise equipment,
I would have been a girls bicycle seat.
Can Hitler have a juice box?
There was a time when there were johnsons as far as the eye could see......and what a great sight it was.
Every day it's the same thing.
Bring in the garbage,
Polish the mandible,
and walk the fly.