About Me
"I knew that if I didn't kill him, he would kill us."
The extraordinarily powerful autobiography of a man, who, as a child, tried to kill his violent and abusive father.
Andy McQuade was just twelve years old when he plunged an axe into the head of his father. After suffering years of sadistic abuse at his hands, and watching his mother routinely beaten, it seemed his only option. However, his father survived the attack, dying several years later, a shadow of his former self, leaving his son to live with the overwhelming guilt of his actions. At sixteen, McQuade ran away from home and moved to London, where he lived as a near-derelict and became addicted to drugs. At seventeen, he overdosed on heroin and 'technically' died, coming round days later in a depressing bedsit. Going on to become a drug dealer in one of London's most infamous clubs, The Kitkat, his life further spiraled out of control until he knew that he had two choices facing him: life or death.
From these traumatic beginnings McQuade has gone on to become a respected award-winning actor and director. Breaking the Chain is the story of his incredible journey encompassing abuse and revenge, and of his struggle for redemption.
Michael O'Mara Books
"I couldn’t put this book down. The writing engulfed me and took me on a journey, not always a pleasant one, of multifaceted chain reactions through what sometimes seemed like a birds eye view of three generations but mostly concentrated on the last generation, the son and author Andy McQuade.
From the beginning of his own life the writer describes vivid moments and fully captures a feeling of what child eyes see, happy and blissful times when the world seems full of light, fascinating and worth exploring, agonizingly overcast with the memories of not only witnessing but also being a victim of physical and psychological abuse to the extreme. To most it comes to no surprise that domestic violence goes on behind closed doors pretty much everywhere in the world, yet this brave and though provoking true story opens one particular set of doors that once looked through cannot be easily forgotten, nor ignored. Its a powerful story that not only documents the horror of domestic violence but gives a multi layered look at the situation, explaining what could make a man do such terrible things to his family and the victims behaviour as a consequence. A must for anyone interested in both adult but especially child psychology.
The tales of Andy’s adolescence and early adulthood are not withholding of some embarrassing, self deprecating moments, which with hindsight he is not ashamed to admit nor commend his actions. There is a real honesty about the writing and the sense that there has been immeasurable growth and experience on the author’s part since, with out coming across as complacent. Some of the more extraordinary events in this autobiography open a door in our minds to the possibility of what one might have always suspected, but never dared to believe. Despite the dark subject matter the book has many dry humorous moments that gives it a real feel for the times and experiences of the writer, personalities described with sometimes just one simple statement are well rounded and there are wonderful little stories that are particular to social period of that time.
Being a victim of such awful abuse did not stop this individual from recognizing the positives in life and grabbing at them with full force. The wonderful bond between mother and son is deeply touching and a inspiring example of how some people experiencing so much hate can still give so much love. Ultimately it shows that it is the love that one can eventually show the abuser that is the real sign of personal growth, real courage and the award of personal freedom. The story seems to end at a new beginning, an inspiring tale of one mans incredible ability to overcome his inherited demons and pursue a life of inner peace, further learning and
everyday joy."
"'Breaking The Chain' is like no other book I have ever read.
Both heartbreaking and heart-warming, it had me in tears while other parts of the story made me laugh.
Although the tragic and horrific content is very disturbing, the overall feel of this brutally honest autobiography is uplifting rather than depressing.
Perhaps the most astounding thing about this book is that despite all the abuse and violence suffered, it is written without any trace of resentment or bitterness. Instead it is full of compassion, love, warmth and humour, which makes it all the more moving.
The beautiful, rich and colourful style of writing is so powerful and captivating that I literally felt sucked into the events as if I experienced them first-hand, rather than just reading about them.
I consider this compelling book a true masterpiece and urge anyone
to read it."