fucking with those who don't get it, fucking those who do
I'd love to meet
Someone who can tell me why my new Joy Division song isn't auto-playing
Someone who can swear to the best of his knowledge, belief, and information
Someone who understands that sometimes I like Law and Order: SVU better, but sometimes I'm in the mood for regular Law and Order, and how they're completely different shows and why that might be important
Someone who will reveal to a complete stranger his deepest fears and desires
Someone who manages to probepolitely;violently; andin a surprisingly delightful manner all at the same time
Someone who can ps -A | grep " [constant] " , or otherwise pipe at the command line with confidence and class
And someone with panache, pizzazz, verve, and zest, but absolutely no flair. I hate flair almost as much as I love tapered jeans.
(Let's be real; I don't want to meet any of you.)
long blondes, THANK YOU
double indemnity; the princess bride. oh yeah and DANCES WITH WOLVES (hahahaha NO)
arrested development; regular law and order; and law and order SVU (for inspiration)
why are you so mean to me?
jon protzman
brian reach
rory williams
anna schall
and all the other gays who i've only met once but still hope they don't get aids cause they seemed aight...