Nita T - Delta's Daughter profile picture

Nita T - Delta's Daughter

Throwing Rocks At Giants (need bigger rocks)

About Me

*** !!! YAY, THE FUCK, YAY !!! ***
Create your own MySpace Countdown Counter Today! * Nita T - Delta's Daughter... DJ on Cygnus Internet Radio * *!!! Click On My Face & You're There, Baby !!!* YOU CAN LISTEN TO MY SHOWS RIGHT HERE ON MY PLAYER!
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..This profile was edited with MySpace Help - Profile Creator and Editor MySpace Profile Help!* NO SHIT, PEOPLE * ************************************************** BUSH ON OUR US CONSTITUTION: "IT'S JUST A GODDAMNED PIECE OF PAPER!" NITA T. ON BUSH: "HE SHOULD HAVE HIS GODDAMNED ASS WHIPPED, HAVE HIS GODDAMNED ASS IMPEACHED & MADE TO LIVE THE REST OF HIS SORRY LIFE (with Cheney in tow) IN GODDAMNED NORTH KOREA!"**************************************************GEO RGE W, I JUST BET THAT... ************************************************** AND, by the way, I'm the PROUD MOTHER of Steve (Steves of America) ... he's the Mother of 'em all. I must admit that I am cornbread fed and sometimes loco in the head, BUT, somehow... some way, I have wound up with great friends and a very interesting family, whom I love dearly.I am the Founder & residing President of the Mississippi Marijuana Party.... This is a registered political party... Yes, ma'am, we are Bona Fide, The sitting (or maybe squatting) Vice-President of The US Marijuana Party: (, Born Again Libertarian, active member of NORML, MAP, DPA, SSDP, ASA, and then some. I am a songwriter, singer, have gladly mud wrestled many police chiefs and sheriffs without going to jail & got paid for it (no, really), proud to have kissed Willie Nelson in Texas & got him to sign my guitar, been married for 15 years & still in love, traveled the US, visited Mexico (was sure loco there!) & Canada. Tri-County Leg Wrestling Champion (retired), and in some parts of the world I am considered a mighty fine cook. ************************************************** THIS "MAY BE" A TRUE STORY OF MY ALTER EGO, SADIE........................... Sadie wasn't just a mud wrestler she was the belt holding champ and wore it proud. Most of the time the owners of this traveling 'circus' would only let her wrestle men. Yes, men, although sometimes it was quite questionable what species of animal they actually came from. When the owners would book the shows, and at first, little to Sadie's knowledge, they informed the sponsors that they had a woman mud wrestler that could not be pinned to the count of three by the biggest, ugliest, meanest man their town had to offer! Damn! And, folks, every little town has at least one or two and they were always named Tiny, Big'un, Bubba or Big George. The shows were set up so that the ticket sales would be split between the sponsor's charity of their choice and the mud wrestlers. These sponsors were usually Sheriff's Dept., Police Dept., Rotary Club, etc. It was just a way to raise money for their charity with some good ol' clean, mud slingin' fun. A lot of people would be mudded before the night was over. Most all the sponsors were very good sports about getting muddy. But, there were a few that seemed horrified if a spot of mud got anywhere on them. It was a friggin' mud wrestling for Pete's sake!!! Sadie or one of the other girls somehow slung mud on the Police Chief. Well, you would have thought it was gorilla shit the way Chief Big Baby was carrying on! And you have no idea how good the locals were loving seeing their asshole chief have mud slung on him and no one gets arrested. This guy truly had the personality of a gunpowder fed pit bulldog. No, really. Every match must be started, knees on mud-mat because it's safer and you're going to be there in about five seconds anyway. Sadie was standing in the mud ring, talking to her very good friend and current referee, Sally, waiting to face her new Bubba or Big'un. Sadie turned just in time to see a fully uniformed police chief running full throttle right towards her. Zero time to get out of his way! He flew through the air and nailed Sadie square in the left side of her ribs crashing hard onto the edge of the ring with the right side of her ribs. Sadie had never been hit so hard in her life, ever. The crowd was estatic. Some were cheering but most were loudly booing their illustrious Chief from years of loathing and because he had just broadsided a woman, proving, once again, what an unfair asshole he was. Horrified, Sally quickly pushed Chief Anus back and immediatly tended to Sadie. "Are you hurt? Are you ok?" Sally said. Sadie couldn't breathe or talk, as every ounce of air had just flown out of her at the speed of sound. "What do you need me to do?" Sally said, a little panicky. Sadie mustered up enough air to say, "As soon as I can get my air back, I'm fixin' to kill this son-of-a-bitch!!!" Had she not have had very strong, healthy, thick bones, several ribs would have been broken. When she finally got back on her knees, the bleachers were thundering and Sadie was pissed! She immediatly threw down with a fierce, choking headlock and commenced to dragging this unacceptable bastard, face first, all around the entire ring. Sadie body-slammed him as mud went flying in the air, and jumped on top of him, pinning his arms with her knees. The crowd was breaking decibel laws at this point. Sadie scooped up two handfuls of mud and held it up towards the bleachers. They screamed for her to give it to him and she did. Sadie slapped him hard with first one and then the other then packed mud deep into every orifice on his head with a little extra for that mouth of his. She smashed it into his shirt and down his pants. Sadie thrashed and wallered him in the mud for a good 10 minutes, but, it probably seemed a whole lot longer to Chief-mud-up-his-ass! Sally was steady rooting Sadie on in her own way as great friends do for one another with all those special warm and fuzzy little four-letter words. When Sadie was finally spent and damned well satisfied, she let him up. She was that town's hero for a long time and folks probably still bring it up for a good laugh. Many people told Sadie she was welcomed to comeback anytime she wanted to kick the rest of their police department's ass and would always have a place to stay! I MEAN, COME ON... WHO THE HELL HASN'T DREAMED OF DRAGGING SOME ASSHOLE, (WHO JUST HAPPENS TO BE HIDING BEHIND A BADGE), AROUND A BIG ASS MUDHOLE AND NOT GET ARRESTED?!? THAT, TO ME, WAS A HUNDRED FOLD BETTER THAN GETTING PAID TO DO IT !!! ALL IN ALL, IT WAS A GOOD DAY'S WORK, A GREAT MEMORY AND... ...TRULY A DREAM COME TRUE! :-) **************************************************

My Interests

You had better believe that I will go to the wall for you & your Civil Rights, My Family & My Friends. I also love Justice, Singing, Music, Songwriting, Buzzing, Politics, TV, Movies, Internet, Manx Cats, Reading, Hysterical Laughter & Howling at the Moon!!! *** *** *** *** *** :-} *** *** *** *** *** Working hard for the Reform of Drug Laws. WHEW-WEE, it's tough out there, darlin'!!! ************************************************************


Myspace Graphics

*************************************** * WATERMELON SLIM - SMOKESTACK LIGHTNING ********************* * SPIDERS ON DRUGS: HILARIOUS VIDEO! ****************** Paul Rodgers & Buddy Guy - "Muddy Water Blues" ******************************* *** !!! "Bushie Bear" Screwing the USA - HILARIOUS !!! ***
Click Here for more great videos and pictures! ************************************************************
...and Willie says... ************************************************************
*** Law Enforcement Against Prohibition Interview *** *** L.E.A.P. *** *** *** .."425" height="350" ************************************************************ *** GOT GAS? ASS-U-ME THE POSITION! *** ************************************************************ ************************************************************ ************************************************************ ************************************************************ ************************************************************ ********!!! SHOW YOUR SUPPORT !!!******** ************************************************************ ************************************************************ ************************************************************ *** BUSTED - The Citizen's Guide to Surviving Police Encounters *** .."425" height="350" ************************************************************ ************************************************************ *** !!! WATCH THIS !!! *** LEAP: Law Enforcement Against Prohibition
Get this video and more at ************************************************************ ************************************************************ EVERYBODY: PROTECT OUR CIVIL RIGHTS - YOU MUST WATCH THIS! .."425" height="350" ************************************************************ ************************************************************ 300 PRE-ROLLED, ALL AMERICAN, GOVERNMENT JOINT$ A MONTH & THE FDA $AY$ IT DOE$N'T WORK...HEY, WHAT GIVE$ ?!? ************************************************************ ************************************************************ WILL THE REAL GATEWAY DRUG PLEASE STAND UP? - An interesting & in-your-face look at statistic on three of America's most well known drugs...You check the facts! (Length: 1 minute)

.."425" height="350" ************************************************************ ************************************************************ *********** "OUR" FDA ON DRUGS...ANY QUESTIONS? *********** *** (You should know that most of the egg is on their face.) ************************************************************ *** ************************************************************ ************************************************************ ************************************************************ *** MORE OF OUR TAX DOLLARS AT WORK ************************************************************ *** ************************************************************ *** CURRENT TV'S "BC BUD" with MARC EMERY *** ************************************************************ ************************************************************ NATUREPIPES.COM********************************************* *************** ************************************************************ *** !!! LAW ENFORCEMENT AGAINST PROHIBITION !!! *** ************************************************************ ************************************************************ *** HERE'S ARE THE REAL STATISTICS THE FDA WON'T TELL YOU! *** ************************************************************ ************************************************************

I'd like to meet:

*** *** ****************************************** *** 100% PURE REMARKABLE *** I would LOVE to meet Bonnie Raitt, Albert Einstein, Morgan Freeman, Ben Franklin, my great-great-great-great grandaughter, a very generous billionare, myself as a child, all my dead buddies, a God, Richard Pryor, an Angel, Abraham Lincoln, Eddy Lepps, Jodie Foster, William Randolph Hearst(just to slap the fuck out of at will), Bill Maher, Robert Redford, John Prine, Jack Herer, Marc Emery, Ellen Degeneres, the 'Axis of Evil' himself: Dick Dookie-head Cheney (of course, to make this fantasy complete, he'd be in a dark alley, on all fours, greased up and screaming, "Code Red, Goddamn it, Code Red!"), the handful of assholes who made marijuana & hemp illegal, Mahatma Ghandi, Pink Floyd, Eddie Izzard, Janis Joplin, Jesus, a politician who actually gives a shit about the meaning of the elected job("Public Servants" my ass ...nikka please... what a gig!), Jack Black, John Candy, Susan Sarandon, Christopher Largen, Ellenor Roosevelt, Tommy Chong, an extremely generous pharmacist, Albert Einstien, Mark Twain. There are many more Greats throughout the times I would truly love to meet... SO... in the meantime, little darlins'... I'll still remain...*** !!! MUCHO LOCO, BABY !!! ***
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Here are just a few of my favorites: *** MISS BONNIE RAITT *** ************************************************ ************************************************ *** A CIRCLE OF PINK FLOYD ***To all the late great blues musicians who are absolutely responsible for most of the music we listen to today...THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU!!! Also, I truly love... Pink Floyd, Bonnie Raitt, Eva Cassidy, Nikka Costa, Janis Joplin, BB King, Isley Brothers, Bob Dylan, Led Zeppelin, Les Claypool, Bela Fleck & the Wooten brothers, Dave Matthews, Ray Charles, Sam & Dave, Stevie Nicks, Willie Nelson, Etta James, Alannah Myles, Metallica, Alanis Morissette, Aretha Franklin, Leon Russell, Johnny Cash, KT Tunstall, Ann & Nancy Wilson (Heart), Al Green, Ween, Sublime, Jimi Hedrix, Chaka Khan, Steppenwolf, Linda Ronstadt, Allman Brothers, Bob Marley, Mamas & Papas, Elvis, War, Stevie Ray Vaughn, Buddy Guy, The Band, Sly & the Family Stone, Robert Johnson, Crosby-Stills-Nash & Young, James Brown, Loretta Lynn, Three Dog Night, John Lee Hooker... yea, I know, I'm fuckin' old, but, hey... I'm still kickin'!!! Stay tuned. :-} ************************************************************ ************************************************************ *** PINK - DEAR, MR. PRESIDENT *** .."425" height="350" ************************************************************ ************************************************************ *** KAKI KING - THIS CHICK ROCKS! *** .."425"height="350"***************************************** ******************* ************************************************************ MY NEW VIDEO: "Partnership for a Drug Free America...right." .."425" height="350"************************************************ ************ ************************************************************ A SLIDE SHOW I PUT TOGETHER LAST YEAR... "DRUG WARRIORS".."325" height="250"************************************************ ************ ************************************************************ * SO, YOU WANNA MAKE HASH, HUH? *
************************************************************ ************************************************************ Watch this ABSOLUTELY FREAKIN' HILARIOUS take on the State of the Union, with James Adomian doing a great impression of President George W. Bush!.."425" height="350" ************************************************************ ************************************************************ "LEGALIZE IT" .."425" height="350" ************************************************************ ************************************************************


I LOVE many movies, but, one that really floats my boat is a fairly newer one... "Oh Brother Where Art Thou" ...I have watched this so many times and I'm still amazed each time... fantastic.


I love most all of the HBO series, Mythbusters, King of the Hill, Biker Bulid Off, Discovery Channel, History, Arts & Entertainment, cooking shows, some design shows, comedians, Sunday Morning on CBS, Meet the Press, old Saturday Night Live and some of the newer ones, The Daily Show, Behind The Music, cat & dog shows, Austin City Limits...(Bill O'Riley sux horrifically big'uns for the right price).


I like John Grisham, Jean M. Auel, Jack Herer, Hunter S Thompson, various biographies. I really HATE those silly ass heaving-bosom, throbbing-member books.


Bonnie Raitt, Rosa Parks, Nelson Mandella, My son, My Grandmother, Willie Nelson, Jack Herer, Marc Emery, Loretta Nall, Rich Rawlings, Angel Raich, Ed Rosenthal, Tommy Chong... and all the other little people, like myself, who throw rocks at giants (wish I had better aim, but, most importantly... BIGGER ROCKS!!!).

My Blog


* GET THE WORD OUT! *Hosted By: LoNero - Guitarcore Originators When: Monday Sep 01, 2008 at 7:00 PMWhere: WORLDWIDEWOLRDWIDEWORLDWIDE, CA 95129United StatesDescription:LoNero - Guitarcore Originators...
Posted by Nita T - Delta's Daughter on Mon, 26 May 2008 03:27:00 PST

Three Part Series Nightline Series of the late, Eva Cassidy (a must see).

Three part Nightline series of the late, and incredibly great Miss Eva Cassidy. Eva Cassidy died of cancer on 2nd November 1996. She was only 33 years old.(Part - 1) (Part - 2) (Part...
Posted by Nita T - Delta's Daughter on Wed, 23 Apr 2008 06:51:00 PST

Fuck the Fucking Fuckers !!!

Posted by Nita T - Delta's Daughter on Tue, 29 Jan 2008 08:20:00 PST

Marc Emery agrees to 5 years in Canadian prison !!!

Ian MulgrewVancouver SunMonday, January 14, 2008VANCOUVER - Marc Emery, Vancouver's self-styled Prince of Pot, has tentatively agreed to a five-year prison term in a plea bargain over U.S. money laund...
Posted by Nita T - Delta's Daughter on Mon, 14 Jan 2008 08:56:00 PST

"Bushie-Bear" Screwing the USA... HILARIOUS !!!

Click Here for more great videos and pictures!...
Posted by Nita T - Delta's Daughter on Mon, 07 May 2007 08:27:00 PST


********** YAY, THE FUCK, YAY **********!!! That's right! The RALLY is BACK ON for Tupelo, Mississippi !!!Thanks to the hard work of the University of Mississippi (Ole Miss),We are having our Rall...
Posted by Nita T - Delta's Daughter on Thu, 03 May 2007 06:50:00 PST

The 2007 Tupelo, Mississippi - MMM & Rally Has Been CANCELED

*** FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE **** I will be posting this every day through Saturday so all Mississippians may see it. **** The 2007 Tupelo MMM & Rally Has Been CANCELED *** Yes! After a year of plann...
Posted by Nita T - Delta's Daughter on Tue, 01 May 2007 03:24:00 PST

Global Marijuana March 5/5/07 - 172 cities worldwide so far!

From: Dana Beal, New York, NYGLOBAL MARIJUANA MARCHWe'll send you posters even if you're not on the list, and you can fill in your details in the "info" space at the bottom of the poster.Important: Ge...
Posted by Nita T - Delta's Daughter on Mon, 12 Feb 2007 05:12:00 PST

Penn & Teller's Bullshit - The War On Drugs

Posted by Nita T - Delta's Daughter on Thu, 25 Jan 2007 08:06:00 PST

Act now for medical marijuana in Mississippi !!!

Please help make it legal! Most of you live elsewhere, but please call anyways. It does matter.Eleven states currently permit the legal use of marijuana for medical reasons - and Mississippi has a ch...
Posted by Nita T - Delta's Daughter on Thu, 25 Jan 2007 06:49:00 PST