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Steve Kubby for President

Let Freedom Grow!

About Me

I'm running for President because I'm fed up with bad government, corrupt politicians, and arrogant officials. Like you, I'd like the government to support my liberty, protect and serve my family, respect my personal property and stop passing and enforcing laws that assume Americans have the intelligence of a child
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lf ye love wealth better than liberty, the tranquillity of servitude better than the animated contest of freedom, go home from us in peace. We ask not your counsels or your arms. Crouch down and lick the hands which feed you. May your chains set lightly upon you, and may posterity forget that ye were our countrymen

Samuel Adams

Law Enforcement Against Prohibition

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Colorado State University

Thursday, November 2, 2006

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My Interests

Medical Marijuana Cannabis Re-legalization Education Environment Freedom Constitution Bill of Rights Personal Freedom
Steve's Thought's on the War on Drugs The War on Drugs was never, ever about drugs, it's about bigotry. You can change the law, but changing the prejudice and fear of bigots who hide behind drug war rhetoric is a far more challenging task. It's time to expose the Drug War and the bigots who promote the ideology of "Zero Tolerance.This is no more about Marijuana than the Boston Tea Party was about Tea.

On the Environment Who is the biggest polluter in our country today? Unfortunately, it is the U.S. government ...Instead of guaranteeing your right to a hazard-free environment, government sets acceptable standards for pollution. When we make polluters, not taxpayers, responsible for the damage they do, the profit will be gone from pollution.
On the War in Iraq I oppose it. I opposed it when it was proposed, I opposed it when it began, and I oppose it now. If the American people put me in the White House, I'll end it immediately with a unilateral and unconditional withdrawal of US forces from that country, as quickly as can be done consistent with the safety of the troops. The war on Iraq was a massive screwup. Continuing to screw up will not unscrew it.
On PovertyFully 74% of government dollars allocated to the poor go to the welfare bureaucracy instead. We have to liberate the poor from government dependency. Only then will everybody have the opportunity to achieve the American Dream.
On HealthcareThe Food and Drug Administration is an unnecessary burden on the American health care system. There is no evidence that agency offers you or me any real protection. We have to move to privatize Medicare and start innovative programs to replace these two programs that cost too much and give patients second-rate health care.
On Immigration At bottom, a border is nothing more than an imaginary line on the ground, drawn by politicians. What's important are not the lines themselves, but the people on either side of those lines. As your president, my job will be to secure the rights of the people within the set of lines that have been drawn, and to defend them from attack across those lines -- not to impede peaceful people from crossing them. By welcoming the poorest of the poor, we've always become richer, not poorer.
On JusticeKubby will order judges to instruct juries that they each have the right to judge the soundness of the law, as well as the guilt of the accused under that law. Once judges start reading juries their rights, ordinary citizens will finally have a voice in government. Citizens like you will once again have the political power that our founding fathers intended for you under our American jury system. Steve Kubby will stand up to corrupt judges, prosecutors, and politicians to make sure your rights are restored and that you have a real voice in controlling government.
On CrimeMore than half the people locked away are there for nonviolent offenses. They didn't hurt anybody. They didn't rob anybody. They just made, to some, a bad decision. Yet with mandatory minimum sentencing and "three-strike" laws, they spend more time in prison on average than criminals who killed, assaulted, or raped somebody. Our government's "zero tolerance" of drugs is directly responsible for:
    Increased use of hard drugs; The invention of cheap and potent drugs like crack and cat The use of children as drug couriers to avoid adult criminal penalties; Aggressive, personal sales of drugs on playgrounds; Hesitation of drug abusers to seek help to end drug abuse; Increased violent crime; Success and growth of organized crime; and Unsafe neighborhoods.
We have to end this war and find peaceful solutions to the problem of drug abuse. Today's war is more harmful than the drugs themselves.
On TaxesAccording to the Tax Foundation, here's what you pay:
    Federal taxes 22.4% of your income State & local taxes 11.8% of your income Compliance costs 22.2% of your income Regulatory costs 12.7% of your income
If we cut the government down to size, the people can at last keep their hard-earned money.
On EqualityAny society that asks government to divide people into separate groups, with separate laws, is headed for disaster. "The Negro's great stumbling block is not the White Citizen's Councilor or the Ku Klux Klanner, but the white moderate who is more devoted to 'order' than to justice who paternalistically believes he can set the timetable for another man's freedom." -Martin Luther King, Jr. Letter from Birmingham jail, April 16, 1963

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My Blog

Sorry I haven’t written, busy slaying dragons...

March 1, 2008 Campaign UpdateDear Friends,I've been so busy with the campaign, I have neglected you and for that I apologize. Today I will be speaking for an hour to the Maryland State Convention. ...
Posted by Steve Kubby for President on Sat, 01 Mar 2008 02:05:00 PST

Kubby2008.Com Crashes -- Due to Server Overload!

Kubby2008.Com, the web site for Steve Kubby's presidential campaign, crashed today due to "the Digg Effect." When the site received more than 4,000 unique visitors in a short timeframe as web readers ...
Posted by Steve Kubby for President on Thu, 25 Jan 2007 04:16:00 PST

The State of the Union: A Libertarian Response

My fellow Americans,Earlier this evening, America listened as President George W. Bush addressed a joint session of Congress, fulfilling his Constitutional duty to report annually to Congress on "the ...
Posted by Steve Kubby for President on Wed, 24 Jan 2007 07:04:00 PST

Taxes & Spending

"Over-taxed" doesn't even begin to describe American society today. Between overt taxation at all levels of government and hidden taxation in various forms such as inflation, deficit spending and unco...
Posted by Steve Kubby for President on Tue, 23 Jan 2007 06:50:00 PST

Executive Order 13420 -- Dismantling the DEA

(This is the order I will sign after delivering my inaugural address) Reorganization Plan No. 1 of 2009, which becomes effective on January 20th, 2009, among other things eliminates the Drug Enforceme...
Posted by Steve Kubby for President on Sun, 21 Jan 2007 11:00:00 PST

Free At Last?

I wonder what Martin Luther King, Jr., would think of the America we live in -- how he'd feel had he and his assassin not met on that fateful April morning and if instead he had awakened this morning ...
Posted by Steve Kubby for President on Mon, 15 Jan 2007 11:09:00 PST

An Open Letter to the 110th Congress

To the returning and incoming members of the US House of Representatives and the US Senate: On January 3rd, our nation's 110th Congress opened its first session, following an election in which America...
Posted by Steve Kubby for President on Sun, 14 Jan 2007 02:39:00 PST

Busy Slaying Dragons

Sorry I haven't blogged lately, but I've been busy slaying dragons.More precisely, I've been slaying public serpents, who believe it is their duty to punish those who advocate peaceful change. Unfort...
Posted by Steve Kubby for President on Sun, 07 Jan 2007 02:11:00 PST

Energy and Environment

The twin spectres of global warming and energy dependence haunt our nation. Both represent major threats to our economy, to our national security and, ultimately to our freedom. These two problems -- ...
Posted by Steve Kubby for President on Wed, 20 Dec 2006 08:04:00 PST

Thank You Orange County Libertarians!

The Orange County Libertarian Party has done a lot for me and for freedom. They came and visited me in jail, and they picked me up in a limo when I was released. They gave me money, gave me a home a...
Posted by Steve Kubby for President on Wed, 20 Dec 2006 12:13:00 PST