This Page exists only to exalt the Name [reputation] Of YHWH!!! And to guide those who are truly seeking after the truths of YHWH and His Messiah with a pure heart seeking only after His righteousness. Some of the statements made here may be hard to take at first, but if you come humbly to the feet of the Father with an open heart and seek him in truth, we believe you will find them to be filled with spirit and truth.
This is an independent group, and we are not members of any Church or Organization. These beliefs are ours alone, and we believe them to be the truths of YHWH. If YHWH should reveal that we are in error at any time, then our beliefs and lives would be so corrected.
We believe the Hebrew Text referred to by most as the Old Testament [Tanakh] to be the BASIS and ROOT of all truth, that YHWH's Messiah Yahushua came to magnify. YHWH and His teachings were recorded in the Hebrew text. Paul, the great Apostle to the Gentiles, thought from the Hebrew text, when the gospel was laid out before the people of Beau they seached the Hebrew text to see if these things were so. Paul says they were more noble then the rest for doing so.
In 2Timothy 3:16 (speaking to Timothy in a time before the Greek New Testament was written) Paul says "All Scripture is given by inspiration of G_d [YHWH], and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, and for instruction in righteousness." Remember Paul is speaking here of the Hebrew text [Tanakh], so if your doctrine or beliefs are contrary to the teachings of The Hebrew Old Testament [Tanakh] then something must be wrong.
Isaiah 8:20 "to the Law and to the testimony: if they speak not according to this word [Tanakh or Old Testament], it is because there is no light in them"
Remember! YHWH is unchanging and makes no mistakes. If any religions does not agree with the ancient mosaic text, then it is a CHANGED and NEW religion, and not part of YHWH. YHWH has protected the Spiritual interpretation of the Herbew text for thousands of years so that we could look to them to know if our doctrine is from YHWH or Man. Only Spiritually Inspired people can understand Spiritually Inspired text.
We believe the Greek Text, also, was based on Spiritually Inspired Epistles that were written by Spiritually Inspired Apostles. Therfore if read by Spiritually Inspired people, it will, also, be profitable for docrine, for reproof, for correction, and for instruction in righteousness, but one must remember they were translated by uninspired hellenized [uninspired and pagan by choice] Jewish translators. The Followers of The Messiah [Yahushua in Hebrew or Joshua in English] and of YHWH spoke and wrote text in Hebrew and-or Aramaic [the language of trade], and NOT Greek. Only later was the inspired word of YHWH changed or corrupted by uninspired translators into Greek. Eventually these pagan translations were adopted by pagan Roman Sun worshippers and retrofitted to incorporate their pagan beliefs AND TRADITIONS, so one must check all things with the Hebrew text.
Isaiah 8:20 "to the Law and to the testimony: if they speak not according to this word, it is because there is no light in them"
Also, we will not be taking scripture out of context and then applying it some where else, as all scripture must be read in the context it is given. Failing to remember this one can completly change the meaning of scripture by falsely applying a text here or there. Many have done so stating Isaiah,"here a little their a little, line upon line, precept by precept" and thus making the Word of YHWH a mystery. Isaiah was never saying to take things out of context here, but to look for the answer to be explained in other places in YHWH's word of the same context. Now that we have laid out the method we will be using to develop an understanding of YHWH's Word, let us move on.We believe there is ONLY One ELOHIM, who is The Eternal, Self-existent, Creator of all things both physical and Spiritual, and His Name alone is YHWH. YHWH is The Mighty One of Israel(our ELOHIM) and all true believers [Spiritual Seed of Abraham], YHWH is NOT a Trinity.. We believe The Messiah existed Only in the mind [Pneuma or Ruach] of YHWH as The Logos (the pivotal focus of YHWH's plan of Salvation) from the beginning of everything. That when YHWH created the physical and Spiritual universe, that He created it all with this Logos (The Plan of Salvation) in mind, thus without Him there was nothing [void and without form] created. We believe that Yahushua The Messiah,came into being for the first time as the physical son of Mary [Myriam] and her husband Joseph, as an act of obedience to YHWH, and was the only Man to ever receive a Full Measure of YHWH's "Holy Spirit [character, mentality, image, power]. We believe The Messiah's spoken name was and is Yahushua or a reasonable phonetic reproduction of that. We believe Jesus [IHS or Ihsous] is the name of the Anti-Messiah, and believe the change of names from Yahushua to Jesus to be the biggest case of Idenity theft to date. We believe Sin is a mental condition that we all receive by being born [immersed] into this world. We see it and it infects us therefore we are not born with it. We reject the belief that babies are born sinful and evil as a Satanic Lie. We believe we must keep all the Commandments, Laws, Precepts, Ordinances, and The Words of YHWH as part of our love for Him and marriage vows to Him though following the example of His proxy [Ambassador] to The World, Messiah Yahushua [Our
our Future Husband, King (leader), High Priest (Spiritual leader), and eldest brother (first of The First Fruits)]. We believe each and everyone of us must do our best to share the truths of Yahushua The Messiah and YHWH with our brothers and sisters, and those lost in the world. We believe the time is come and is in fact here, when YHWH our Mighty One will call for those who are Pure of Heart[Intent] to stand up and be His light to the world, as it comes closing in on itself. Blogs - The Scriptures: Follow The Commandments - I AM...The Initiated Flame of El