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steven aloyisus


About Me

I play electric & acoustic guitars for 'Suicidal Poets'.
View Suicidal Poets's EPKTo listen to our full original catalog, just click:I edited my profile with Thomas' Myspace Editor V4.4

My Interests

Music(playing, listening, writing, attending concerts & shows). Shooting pool & hanging out with good friends. Sports...Hockey- RANGERS, Baseball- METS, Basketball- Nets, Football- All NY teams are cool, just get me in that weekly pool! I'm into astronomy also. Viewing the stars is great upstate. Not so in NYC, although it does have the Hayden Planetarium.

I'd like to meet:

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Of course, SUICIDAL POETS come first. But I've always been a big fan of the blues, and blues rock. It all starts with Robert Johnson. I also love the WHO, the STONES, and LED ZEPPELIN. Gotta have my POGUES too!! Then there's Sonny Landreth-greatest slide player on the planet! I've been listening to a lot of alt-country lately also. I'm a big Lucinda Williams fan. Oh can never go wrong with some Beatles, the Band...or Radiohead!! Some other performers I can't do without, in no particular order: Bob Marley, Hot Tuna/Jorma Kaukonen, Stray Cats, Mars Volta, T.Rex, The Specials, Warren Zevon, X/Knitters/John Doe, Jonny Lang, Johnny Cash, Elvis Costello, Alejandro Escovedo, Televison, Willie Nelson, Joe Jackson, Muddy Waters, Parliment Funkadelic, Godspeed You Black Emperor, Gram Parsons, Queen, The Faces, Rory Gallagher........


I'm quite old-fashioned when it comes to movies. Guess I grew up watching all those late-night movies on tv...before there were 500 channels..and it stuck. Don't get me wrong, I still go to the movies. But I'm not that big on the $200 milliion blockbuster. A few of my all-time favorites are: 'To Kill A Mockingbird'(..1), The Thin Man, Saving Private Ryan, North By Northwest, Taxi Driver. Comedies like: Young Frankenstein, My Man Godfrey, and ALL the Marx Brothers. My favorite music-themed films are: A Hard Day's Night, The Last Waltz, & School Of Rock.


I watch a lot of sports & news on TV. Not really into the 'prime time' schedule. Two shows I watch faithfully are 'The Daily Show with Jon Stewart'(i've gone to 6 studio tapings), and 'The Colbert Report'(just went to a taping july 26...first row!!) The one new show I've become a fan of is 'The Riches', starring Eddie Izzard and Minnie Driver. Weird show! Looking forward to the return of 'Rescue Me'in the summer. The whole cast is fantastic, and I've always been a Dennis Leary fan. 'Monk' is cool too...just wish it was a little easier to find, and more were produced. Like 'Everybody Hates Chris', the Chris Rock-produced comedy about his childhood growing up in Brooklyn, as well. I also really enjoy 'Futurama' & 'The Simpsons'. I'm a big fan of Britcoms. Blackadder(..1), Monty Python's Flying Circus, Keeping Up Appearances, Fawlty Towers, Bean, and my new/old fav 'The Young Ones'. Right now none of the Britcoms are airing on my cable service. Damn you, Time-Warner...but Netflix has been a godsend! And man, I miss MST 3000. Especially the ones with Joel. Was in the fan club back in the day. For some reason I also love 'Green Acres'. It's like an acid trip, I think!! Last, but not least, is the 'Weather Channel'. Not very rock&roll, but hell, I spend part of my time in upstate New York....just the occasional snowfall to check on!!


My latest is 'Escaping The Delta: Robert Johnson And The Invention Of The Blues' by Elijah Wald. Just finished reading 'Assasination Vacation' by Sarah Vowell. I like all her work. Before that it was 'Bushworld' by Maureen Dowd, and 'America: The Book' by Jon Stewart. Most of the stuff I read is non-fiction. A lot of history. Plenty of biographies. And I still read the newspaper every day.

I edited my profile with Thomas’ Myspace Editor V3.6 !


I really think the word 'hero' is very over-used and diminished today. Anyone who saves a cat out of a tree is a hero on the 6 o'clock news. Strictly musically speaking, I admire people like the following: John Lennon & Paul McCartney, Chuck Berry, Robert Johnson, Pete Townshend, and Jimi Hendrix. They made tremendous contributions to the music I love.

My Blog

Now That I'm Flying....

being i've started traveling down to rehearsals by plane, instead of the draining 6+ hour bus ride i had been subjecting myself to, i'm posting a blog to celebrate finally traveling in style! incredib...
Posted by steven aloyisus on Thu, 01 Feb 2007 09:55:00 PST


hi all,i've posted a few assorted music videos(and 1 cartoon) from the myspace video section on my page. i've put them in my profile box 'video' area, not on the page proper with the suicidal poet stu...
Posted by steven aloyisus on Mon, 17 Jul 2006 12:04:00 PST


hey all. readying for another trip to 'bandcamp' for rehearsals, and got me traveling tunes together. thanks to a youthful santa (E childe, lil mozart, & eric bass) some of my listening music was ...
Posted by steven aloyisus on Fri, 20 Jan 2006 11:42:00 PST


heading back to rehearsals tomorrow, fresh out of hospital. ROCK&ROLL!! here's my travelin/inspiration music. the 5-hour trip gets no shorter..even if i was to take it in an ambulance(which, thank...
Posted by steven aloyisus on Wed, 09 Nov 2005 03:28:00 PST


back down to lodi for rehearsals. as some of you know, i was a bit ill for the band has missed some time. rest assured carmelo...i'm a'comin!! before i do, i'm stoppping at my sister's hou...
Posted by steven aloyisus on Thu, 20 Oct 2005 09:25:00 PST

2 NEW BAND PHOTOS in myphotos

hi everyone, didn't fall off the face of the earth. was a bit under the weather for awhile, though. posted some new pix of the band in myspace photos from a recent show we did in nyc. thanks to bob fo...
Posted by steven aloyisus on Fri, 30 Sep 2005 03:41:00 PST

GOING ON THE ROAD?!! //// new travelin' cds

Off again to rehearsals, which should be quite intense this time around. Suicidal Poets goes on an interview for a proposed festival tour on 9/14. Should be interesting to see what this entails. ...
Posted by steven aloyisus on Fri, 02 Sep 2005 06:25:00 PST


vacations are over, so it's back to lodi.....back to rehearsals. it's a 5-hour trip there, give or take, so i'm packin some cds for the trip. plus, there should be SOME down time during my stay. here'...
Posted by steven aloyisus on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST


managed to get a shot of the band outside of blaggards pub after the show on juy 9th. see it in my 'more photos'.   morose.....what a word!!!  
Posted by steven aloyisus on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST


Yes, the band is hitting the stage again! Saturday, July 9th @ the Blaggard's Pub, 8 West 38th Street, NYC Time: TBA.....but we should be on early, 8 or 9 pm, and be on for about a 45 minute- 1 hour s...
Posted by steven aloyisus on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST