MommaNoyze (Patty) profile picture

MommaNoyze (Patty)

I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

I'm married to Don, the rhythm guitarist in the band "NOYZE", (These guys rock by the way). Thanks to being in both the Army(medic) and Navy(F-14 aircraft) traveling and adventure have been intertwined in my life. Traveling is in my blood and I can be packed to go anywhere in 15 minutes-thanks to the military training. I am honored to have many great and special friends scattered throughout the United States and I enjoy being able to visit them throughout the year. Besides the military, I've done a stint with the USPS and the VA Hospital, along with many others that are not government related. Received the nickname of MommaNoyze from Don and other band members, due to the fact that most of their practices have been held at our house, so I have known the guys for a long time. They have all had some of my cooking and baking and really enjoy the Christmas Season-they know that is cookie time!!! Our home is the base for our demolition company and NOYZE practices. It is also a very special rescue area with all kinds of animals, a steer, a cow, a horse, two donkeys, two sheep and three lambs, a goat, numerous ducks, a goose, chickens, rabbits and of course EMU (Edward Morris Underwood) who has two new emu friends. We recently added three llamas to the mix. Our newest addition is a little stray black kitten that Don found walking the streets of Phoenix in a very unsavory part of town, while he was looking at a possible demo job. We have named her Sharky, since she is used to protecting herself, and is a great scratcher and biter. Check out all the pics of our animals. They are so much fun and so entertaining. Love them all.

My Interests

Traveling, reading, photography (sunrises,sunsets,flowers and NOYZE are favorites). Check out my pics, have some of the band and my favorites.

I'd like to meet:

Any of the drivers in NASCAR, Rocker Jon Bon Jovi, Steve Tyler, Billy Joel, Celine Dion (get to see her concert in December when it gets to Phoenix) and numerous others. I began my music listening with Chuck Berry, Fats Domino, Elvis and the Beatles and have just evolved from there. Would love to be able to meet one person from each and every music style that is around.


NOYZE--check out their web site. The guys are doing great on internet radio. Listen to them on Broadcast Asylum on Thursday nights and on the Scott and Pam Show on Saturdays and on Cygnus Radio every day, along with many others listed on their site.


Action adventure, espionage, romance and still like the Disney flicks too, guess I am still a kid a heart. NO on SCARY THRILLERS and HORROR...


NCIS, CSI and the discovery channel and some sci-fi shows. I really like Joel Osteen on Sunday morning, he is an inspiration to me for the whole week.


Anything by Nora Roberts and Sandra Brown for enjoyment, Tim Lahaye for my own education and motivation.


Anyone who has served in the military (in any and every position they have). They deserve a big hand.Haven't met my fantasy hero yet! But still searching. Don might have a chance!!!