Warfare against pagan people in Western Europe; generally spreading Christianity where I can; protecting the Pope; establishing a sustainable administration system (!); improving the literacy of the clergy and my subjects in general; eating a lot of meat
Well really people should want to meet me not the other way round but, at a push, I can think of a few people I would like to chat to........firsty Napoleon and ask him what the fuck he was trying to do when he visited Aachan and my throne.....he really was a cheeky little bastard!. Also I would have a stern word with those cunts Fichtenau and Riche who seem to like to emphasise the negative aspects of my rulership (even though there werent any) and last but not least Clarkemagne and Rob Phileeeps in order to congratulate them on their excellent scholarly work in recent years. I see these two as my 'real' heirs
Well I can read so I do like books, although I wasn't able to write so I don't know how I have filled this thing in; I do like 'Charlemagne' by Matthias Becher (and any other books about me apart from Ganshoff's and Fichtenau's)
Well I am a hero myself, but I do admire Clarkemagne