Historia okres Imperium Romanum Europa VII - XI w. Socjologia, bron biala i czarnoprochowa, jazda i walka konna,
Our new ecchibitions about history of Polish arms IX-XV century. Our next ecchibition "Woman in Viking Period" Our new ecchibition "Polish Nobelmans in XVII B.C."
Dark ambient, neo-folk, pagan folk, black metal, industrial, dark electro
glownie historyczne
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Spartakus, Juliusz Cezar, Mieszko I, Boleslaw Chrobry, Boleslaw Krzywousty, Wladyslaw Jagiello, Jan Sobieski, Powstancy Wielkopolscy!!!This is my beloved Aleksandra also my hero!!!..Polish Nobelman XVII century Our first edition of Viking Sagas recorded on CD as an audiobook. Migdal once again thanks!!! We during making a comercial of once of Polish Historical magazine. Me and a friends from our group during making a "Stara Basn" movie in 2002.On cover of Polish Magazine "Anglorama" as a Celtic Warrior .. Slav Chasnik on great sea battle in Szczecin. Hail to Tryglav.org organisator of that event. Polish Warriors on Isle of Man coast Before battle in Viking longhause. During horse fighting on WolinVivat Vasa!!! XVII century event Gniew in Poland The Slav/Viking festival organised by our grupe!!! Our horses .ASG Crew