HELGI Stalingrad profile picture

HELGI Stalingrad

I am here for Networking

About Me

Zdrawstwujte. Dzien dobry. Guten tag. Hello. Hola.
I am Helgi "Stalingard". My real name is a terrible secret :) I'm takeing part in living history movement. I'm really crazy about re-enactment, doing crafts, spending time making things of ancient times, reconstructing weapon, armour, clothes, accessories, different household goods.. I found of going on historical festivals, trading, having fun, makeing fighting shows for tourists. I like mass battles, when two waves of warriors kollide with jingle and shouts!Make Your Name An Image

My Interests

I am the chief of history club SHATUN, Volgograd, Russia. We reconstruct ancient crafts, medieval armour, weapon, clothes, accessories, style of life and battle fights. Main directions which SHATUN's members are investigating are: Slavonic-Viking cultire of IX-XI centuries, Novgorod XIII c., Russia and Great Steppe warriors of XIV-XV c., We take parts in shows and Middle age culture festiwals in Russia and abroad.

I'd like to meet:

ELAKELAISET - Smells Like Humppa!!!


I listen to a mess of different style music. The list of favourites encreases and changes every 52 years..
But what I really like is working with leather, feaver and so on. Here are some examples.


RUSBORG IV, Drakkar riding.

LUMSK - Trolltind


My Blog

Here must be some blog? fuckshit :(

Well. The topic is - what age is well enough to stop having sex?!70? 45? 83?any thoughts?
Posted by HELGI Stalingrad on Sun, 10 Jun 2007 03:47:00 PST