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Theudho - Blackened Pagan Metal

About Me

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Member Since: 2/28/2006
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Sounds Like:
"Cult Of Wuotan"
(2008, DGF)

When Chlodovech Childericson betrayed the old faith in favour of the worship of the Nazarene, the decline of the Hyperborean spirit was set in motion. When Carolus Magnus cut down the Irminsûl, the last bastion of resistance was broken and ancient traditions were banished. When the Holy Inquisition came into being, the Germanic realm was plunged into centuries of darkness.

Some antediluvian things, however, can not be killed or suppressed because they linger even in the psyche and blood of those too blind to see. Like smouldering cinders, they await the right moment to turn into a blazing fire once again. The atavistic spirit of Wuotan has arisen once again and will possess those worthy of contending and possibly claiming victory in the Iron Game.

With "Cult Of Wuotan", the blackened pagan metallers Theudho triumphantly return. Their third album displays yet again a major progression in both composition and performance. The unparalleled synergy of hard hitting metal, epic melodies and Wagnerian bombast spawns eleven tracks that pay tribute to the Wuotanic spirit throughout history; from the tragic endeavours of the Cimbri, the warrior cult of the Harii, the Batavian uproar and the violent death of Arminius' son to the gloomy rituals and executions performed in desolate moors for the greater glory of Wuotan, Donar and Frô.

Eleven battle hymns shape the ideal soundtrack for those strong souls worthy of enlisting in Wuotanes Her …

"The Völsungsa Saga"
(2006, Nepherex)

In the thirteenth century, an unknown Icelandic author committed the epic saga of the Völsungs to parchment. Based on actual events from the Migration Period and interwoven with motives from Germanic mythology, it tells the story of the descendants of Óðinn's son Sigi; Völsung, Sigmund and the tragic hero Sigurðr the dragon slayer. Their bloodline was sustained by the Allfather himself, down to the deaths of Guðrún's sons.

Throughout history, this tale has continued to guide and inspire European man. In 2006, Theudho unleashed their tribute to this monument in Germanic literature with "The Völsunga Saga". Fully recounting the story throughout the lyrics of this album, the music reflects the feel and mood of this tragic saga; from the grim murder committed by Sigi to the glory and splendour Sigurðr gained on the field of honour, from the blood boiling envy of Siggeir to the revelation of true power in the blade of Gram, from the sinister lycanthropy of Sigmund and Sinfjötli to the tingling sensation of vengeance by shedding Lyngvi's blood.

This album marks the recording debut of Theudho as a full band. Backed by a solid and crystal clear production, "The Völsunga Saga" is an album to be reckoned with!

(2004, Nepherex)

Nearly two millennia ago, the Salian Franks first crossed the Rhine from their original northern homelands. These proud descendants of Sigi, one of the mortal sons of the Allfather, eventually settled in the area that would later be known as Pagus Flandrensis (Flanders, the north of the modern state of Belgium ). As generations came and went, their origins and ancestral culture were forgotten and ignored; eventually every recollection was even deliberately erased and suppressed from collective memory.

Still, some pledged resistance against the mentality of the herd. The debut album of the blackened pagan metal band Theudho, "Treachery", pays tribute to this Germanic heritage that is cherished by few and hated or misunderstood by the blind masses. From the captivating opening track "Awakening of the Emperor", the listener is held in a grasp that is only loosened at the end of the album with the chilling title track "Treachery", recounting the heinous crimes of Charles the Saxon Slayer, Charlemagne. Teutonic roots are further explored with the inspiring "Tuisto", "Rígsthula" and the chilling "The Frozen Seas of Atland". Meanwhile the new faith is renounced with "Amandus" while the old faith is hailed with "Blót", the inauspicious "Foreboding Dreams", "The Architect" and" The Sword of Cheru".

"Treachery" truly is an album that appeals to the purest heathen hearts!

My Blog

Interview with Bastiaan on

The Czech Mortem zine had a few questions for Theudho lead guitarist Bastiaan. Having lived in the Czech Republic, he gladly answered them in Czech. Head over to Mortem zine to read the interview...
Posted by Theudho on Thu, 06 Nov 2008 10:51:00 PST

Interview on

A new interview was posted on The music of Theudho first crossed my path one day while I was lurking on MySpace (MySpace seriously does have a lot to answer for!). I quickly...
Posted by Theudho on Wed, 05 Nov 2008 06:08:00 PST

Free MP3 download - Vlamrock gig

Last August, we were invited to play at a very nice festival called Vlamrock with excellent bands such as Wapenspraak & Drinkgelag, Heidevolk and Eluveitie. An audience recording of this gig surfa...
Posted by Theudho on Sat, 01 Nov 2008 02:04:00 PST

Mountains of Truth

"On the mountains of truth you can never climb in vain: either you will reach a point higher up today, or you will be training your powers so that you will be able to climb higher tomorrow." - Friedri...
Posted by Theudho on Wed, 29 Oct 2008 06:45:00 PST

Temporary new live line-up!

Since lead guitarist Bastiaan left on a three month mission to the North Pole in order to stop clubbing baby seals, we will be assisted by local guitar virtuoso Dieter until the end of 2008. ...
Posted by Theudho on Thu, 16 Oct 2008 09:00:00 PST

"Cult Of Wuotan" classic Winamp skin

Get your classic Winamp skin with Kris Verwimp "Cult Of Wuotan" artwork here! You can download Winamp for free at this location. ...
Posted by Theudho on Sun, 12 Oct 2008 02:27:00 PST

"A Fine Day To Die" Bathory cover

Earlier this week, we recorded the final parts of our version of the Bathory classic "A Fine Day To Die". Today we also received the guest vocals of Ahráyeph mainman Raf, so all we need to take care o...
Posted by Theudho on Sun, 05 Oct 2008 08:24:00 PST

Get the new Theudho album with shirt, CHEAP!

During the summer we had a temporary offer on our website; the Cult of Wuotan album on compact disk together with a shirt of your choice for only ¬20. Now we're glad to announce that we are able to ex...
Posted by Theudho on Fri, 26 Sep 2008 01:44:00 PST

Interview with Zware Metalen

The Dutch webzine "Zware Metalen" posted an interview with guitarist/vocalist Jurgen, read it here....
Posted by Theudho on Mon, 08 Sep 2008 02:34:00 PST

New song released!

A new Theudho song called "Austrôn" was released on the international ethnic compilation "Ritual".We already recorded an acoustic song, "Gram", on our second album "The Völsunga Saga". This time we ch...
Posted by Theudho on Sun, 03 Aug 2008 12:16:00 PST