Well, my no.1 interest is drinking wine(but i'm not an alcoholic,or so I tend to think).I also like: Reading,F1,Ice Hockey ...and going round and randomly shouting SHABBA...Ok so it sounds weird but trust me it's well funny!!!!!!!!!!...Ok ok ok so I like dancing....Call me gay??????bastards.lol....Oh and finally, I really really enjoy cooking...great hobby and I love and I mean love Vienna and its amazing Christmas Market!!!!
NO, the question is: Who would like to meet me????? :):)
I love old music. My favourite male singer of all times is Dean Martin (How long have I been on pally?)and my favourite female singer is Edith Piaf. My Favourite songs are Beyond the Sea (La Mer),La vie en Rose, Hello Dolly, Maggie May,Diana, Quand Il Est Mort Le Poete, Have I Told you Lately,Non Je Ne Regrette Rien,Mack the Knife, C'est Magnifique and Santa Lucia. I also like singers such as Kay Starr, Mireille Mathieu,Louis Armstrong,Tom Jones,Englebert,Julio Iglesias,Rod Stewart, Van Morrison, Bing Crosby,Waldemar Matuska,Gilbert Becaud, Ray Charles,Demis Roussos and Tino Rossi,...ok ok so it's kind of old stuff...but good...amazing...sexy...but amidst all this I love Elan,Mark Bolan & T-Rex,Modern Talking, The Rolling Stones, The Jam, Runrig,Savage Garden,Beach Boys and The Kelly Family....what a combination eh?
My favourite film is the best film ever made..and yes it is Kurva Hosi Gutentag.Well you might not know it but trust me it's absolutely hilarious.I also like the High Society (Bing Crosby rocks!!!) and the Italian Job.What a film 'mate'..........'Excuse me?Are you a virgin?'..Yes it is Life Of Brian!!!:)plus P.S I LOVE YOU is a brilliant film too!!!!
I don't really watch it but I like old programmes such as Fawlty Towers and Aloo Aloo...but I'm BBC-News obsessed too:)
Mainly history books,as well as:Crime and Punishment (Dostoyevsky),Im Westen Nicht Neuen (Remarque),Werther (Goethe),Dictionnaire Philosophique and Candide(Voltaire),Thus Spoke Zarathustra (Nietzsche), Meditations (Marcus Aurelius)
Frederick The Great,Napoleon Bonaparte,Alexander Dubcek, Otto Von Bismarck and last but the most important is my GRANDAD who has taught me all the greatest things and he is the one (alongside my mum)who showed me the world and how to live!
You Belong in Paris
Stylish and expressive, you were meant for Paris.
The art, the fashion, the wine!
Whether you're enjoying the cafe life or a beautiful park...
You'll love living in the most chic place on earth.
What City Do You Belong In?