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Led Zepplin, Aphex Twin, Tricky, Rolling Stones, Roots Manuva, Leftfield, Johnny Cash, David Bowie, The Animals, Daft Punk, LTJ Bukeum, Depeche Mode, Mirwais, Malcolm McLaren, The Doors, Dr.Dre, NTM, Gainsbourg, Manu Chao, Ray Charles, Sex Pistols, White Stripes, The Verve
Seven Samourai, Under Capricorn, Baiser vole, Kanal, Ashes and Diamonds, Melies, The Great Dictator, Albator, la Chevre, Mondo Cane, Captain Blood, Dr.Strangelove, Clockwork Orange,Dolce Vita, Aguirre'The Wrath of God', On the waterfront,La Grande Vadrouille, La Grande Illusion, The General, Les Valseuse
Le Comte de Monte-Cristo, Les chants de Maldoror, Hammer of the Gods, Miyamoto Musashi, Sexus, Nexus, Plexus, Illiad, Odyssey, Le spleen de Paris, Nadja, Arthur Gordon Pym, selected tales Poe, Under the Volcano, Three musketeers, 20 years after, Vicomte de Bragelonne, The infortunes of vertue