Exploring the world and finding people that make me laugh. laughter is soul food. Doing things I think I cant do. playing the piano when drunk. watching the sunset on the beach. singing badly in my car. Attempting to eat spicy food without going bright red. remembering jokes. Reading something interesting, writing somthing meaningfull and sleeping for as long as possible.
A mermaid on crutches. The donkey from shriek. The man who invented Marmite and ask why! People on time. Aman called Hugh Jazz. A taxi driver that knows the quickest way.
It is probably easier to state the misic I dont like, so here goes... christian rock, not that I'm sacreligious it's just rubbish, heavy metal where you have no idea what note it is in, let alone what anyone is actually singing. Pretty much any boyband where the songs consist of mostly the words," girl, oh girl your so fine, oh girl" that just offends my ear drums. Songs about gansters getting shot. oh and of course the crazy frog song, if you don't know what I'm talking about, consider yourself blessed!
zoolander, the royal tennembaumbs, death to smoochy, a shot in the dark
The simpsons. If you don't like this program you are dead inside and should book the first available appointment to get your whole skeleton replaced with funny bones!
I am so bad at reading books. I get side tracked very easily. It normally takes about a couple of pages before i stop concentrating on what I'm reading and start asking myself, "should I get a book mark or fold the top corner of the pages". That is why when I find a book that I havent addressed the bookmark issue by the end of the first chapter I am onto a good thing!
The man from Del Monte. Kermit the frog. lassie. David Hasselhoff. Burt Baccharach. My mum. flipper. casper the friendly ghost. babe the pig. My best friend Small Marco. Anyone who can balance a spoon on their nose without he aid of honey for longer than a minute.