Barby with a "Y" Bytch™ profile picture

Barby with a "Y" Bytch™

Fun Is All You Get For Now

About Me

I'm an original creature driven by anything made from art and glamour, black eyeliner and red wine will do me just fine. I live as if tomorrow was my last cuz I am to busy in my own world today, ya dig? I hang with an elite crowd that requires a secrert hand shake! I'm a singer a dancer a screamer a bed time story teller and a chef. True Story!

My Interests


I'd like to meet:

see me in action with Stirling :) Stirling Photography
Add to My Profile | More VideosMe Singing at the Voodoo Darlings show!


I will Skool you on music!!!!


TRUE ROMANCE! 16 candles, Birdcage, Rushmore, Say Anything, Tootsie, Breakfast club!


The Bible and Vogue



My Blog

Things I Love

Waking up laughing A good cup of coffee The sound of my son laughing My Pillow My Moms cooking Pillow talk so good before you know it its 3 am Music all day everyday Flowers just cuz its Tuesda...
Posted by Barby with a "Y" Bytch™ on Wed, 31 Oct 2007 12:18:00 PST

A Woman In Her 30's

  This was written byAndy Rooney from CBS 60 Minutes. Thank you Naomi :) Andy Rooney says:  Quote: As I grow in age, I value women who are over 30 most of all. Here are j...
Posted by Barby with a "Y" Bytch™ on Tue, 18 Sep 2007 12:02:00 PST


Tasty France.... it was amazing and all of you should put that on your list of places to go, it is so beautiful and sheek and the food and the people are tasty If there was a french face it would loo...
Posted by Barby with a "Y" Bytch™ on Fri, 24 Aug 2007 09:17:00 PST

A Letter To Whitney Houston

A trip to visit my Momma today was more then the usual come in and have some coffee and left over home made Chille Rellenos followed by her Wendover story' she pulled out a box of memories, an...
Posted by Barby with a "Y" Bytch™ on Thu, 02 Aug 2007 04:57:00 PST

10 Ways To Stay Healthier

10 ways to stay healthier without even trying may I just start by saying its nice to be back in the Blog world 1. Laugh Out Loud it will make your body full of endorphins- the chemicals that boo...
Posted by Barby with a "Y" Bytch™ on Wed, 11 Jul 2007 10:26:00 PST

Drving Ms. Life

Life.. One word Four letters Meaning still unknown Have you ever really taken the time to have a conversation with life take it out for coffee, or buying it A drink and asking it the questions that ...
Posted by Barby with a "Y" Bytch™ on Mon, 26 Mar 2007 11:43:00 PST

Cha Cha Cha Changes!

Change is in the air.... no more excuses for the reasons why things are the way they are and why they don't make me happy, Change is scary and thats why I think people shy away and stick to the famili...
Posted by Barby with a "Y" Bytch™ on Mon, 29 Jan 2007 10:27:00 PST

Dreams you wake up to!

Dreams, how can you can you go some where so real while you are a sleep? take you to a place or time that was so real and familiar at one point? My Grandma visisted me in this sleep time last night, I...
Posted by Barby with a "Y" Bytch™ on Fri, 22 Dec 2006 08:11:00 PST

My Room is where I party

my first weekend home in weeks and I decided that after being in hiding that I would show my face out tonight, my friend Stirling and I which by the way is the coolest, no drama, chill guy I know...
Posted by Barby with a "Y" Bytch™ on Sun, 26 Nov 2006 12:34:00 PST

Mi Familia

My Grandpa and Grandma walking and in love in Mexico City     [IMG] bs4.jpg[/IMG]...
Posted by Barby with a "Y" Bytch™ on Thu, 31 Aug 2006 11:42:00 PST