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Kellen Jordan

I am here for Dating, Friends and Networking

About Me


...You can talk about me cuz I'm a HOT Topic! Talk to myself. Tannerexic. I don't match my clothes,I coordinate em. A glass of wine gets me Hot. I'm not a tease, just a reminder of what you don't have. I LOVE doing birthdays but never remeber em. I am friendly, Love talking to everyone. Don't confuse that with flirting... I have an inner VALLEY GIRL. Battman and Spiderman turned me on when I was a kid. I like people to grab my ass.I manscape.Like to switch it up and use my left hand. I am crude and sexual in every situation. I am always dancing whether there is music or not! I have withdrawls if my I-Pod isn't within ears reach. I try to smile all the time. I make music videos to Britney Spears. I sing like I am performing with her. I hug everyone. I am a lyric Whore. I give into Peer Preasure. Self confidense. I love the gym. Hate dull pencils. I laugh at the complete wrong times. I love waking up to a goodmorning kiss. Heart Shopping. underwear obbsession. I love little kisses and holding your hand. I wanna kiss like spiderman in the rain. I love cuddling and body heat.I hate the phrases I have to shit, crap, take a dump. I say poo. I love to Argue. I can be stubourn. I put my heart and pride into everything. Don't sweat it... I really am that dumb. I lie and fake it very well... I heart Nutrition. I break rules cuz I can. I never act my age. I rub the chapstick off my lips right after I put it on. I laugh at myself. 80% of what comes out of my mouth is a movie quote. Or extremely Offensive. Random Random RANDOM little boy...

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

Heart meeting new people. making friends I love to be around. Anyone that keeps my attention for more then five minutes! Or talk about me! HA. All of us have a past and baggage! So get the fuck over it and live life to the fullest!

My Blog

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