If you have unexplained medical problems, I URGE you to consider your fillings or another form of Heavy Metal Poisoning to be the culprit.Please be aware, this page is a CONSTANT work in progress! I have barely just begun to put anything on it, and still have many blogs, pictures and my story to add. As I have the energy to work on this page, I will be!
My new blog widget!!!!!
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Actress Daphne Zuniga, suffered mercury poisoning from fish consumption!
My mercury poisoning - by Daphne Zuniga ~ Oprah
~~Daphne's Mercury Information Page~~ Check this out!
Click HERE for her story!
Click HERE for her page on toxicteeth.org - Freya Koss - Amalgam Survivor, Founder and President of the PA Coalition for Mercury-Free Dentistry
* Approximately 80% of mercury released into the air is from power plants (fossil fuel combustion), mining, and smelting from solid waste incineration. 1100 coal burning power plants release thousands of pounds of mercury into the air annually. It settles in waterways where bacteria causes chemical changes that transform the mercury into the most highly toxic form, Methylmercury, which accumulates in the fish we eat. (NRDC)(EPA)(ATSDR)
* About 15% of total mercury released to the soil is from fertilizers, fungicides, and municipal solid waste (from waste that contains batteries, electrical switches or thermometers). (ATSDR)
* Vaccines - Mercury is used as a preservative. There is an epidemic of autism in children in the United States. Several researchers have correlated mercury-containing vaccines with high levels of autism.
* Dental amalgams(silver fillings) Contain silver, tin, zinc, and copper dissolved in mercury. Older fillings contain 50% mercury. Mercury vaporizes when we consume hot liquids and is inhaled or ingested then absorbed into the tissues. (Watson Wellness)
MySpace OurPlanet Environmental Tips
Ron Paul 2008 - Hope For America! Sign Up!
You have a chance to save our country! VOTE for RON PAUL!!
Rep. Dan Burton, United States Representative from Indiana's Fifth Congressional District [R-IN]
Rep. Diane Watson, United States Representative from California's Thirty-third District [D-CA]
Freya Koss - Amalgam Survivor, Founder and President of the PA Coalition for Mercury-Free Dentistry
This is how many immunizations are children are expected to have. The amount is unbelievable! We are poisoning our own children. Their little bodies are subjected to TOO many shots, at TOO young an age.
If you click the link, I will get your referral, and once you list your unwanted books for trade, I will get a free book. Every little bit helps. The more I know, the more knowledge I can hopefully spread. Thanks so much.
1/7/08 "Up until a week ago, Sandi was still reaching out to her friends, taking phone calls and trying to cheer everyone on in their quest to health. She said that she would continue to deliver the message of mercury poisoning and heavy metal toxicity until her last breath.I think she accomplished that promise." ~ Sharon
Important Links for more information!
Generation Rescue - Jenny McCarthy
Why Focus on Mercury in Schools?
If you need a dentist to remove your fillings safely, check their listings! www.iaomt.org You can also find doctors, and the latest news!
Read Marie Flowers' survival story, and a wealth of information on amaglam at MercuryPoisoned.com
Vaccination Liberation ~ "Free Your Mind....From The Vaccine Paradigm"
Exemptions/Avoiding Vaccines! Know the FACTS! www.vaclib.org
Zero Mercury Global Campaign
The Coalition for Mercury-free Drugs (CoMeD)
Educate Before You Vaccinate
Generation Rescue
Moms Against Mercury
National Vaccine Information Center (NVIC)
Sign an on-line petition to open vaccine databases to
independent researchers!
Get a Mercury test done on your hair, through Greenpeace for $25! Click Here!
Please be aware, mercury tests are not always indicative of whether you have "mercury poisoning". Mercury can be more prominant in certain body parts, more than others, thus causing a false low test result. The most accurate that I have found so far, is a urine test.
Our Stolen Future Scientific discoveries about endocrine disruption
The show that changed America: This “60 Sixty Minutes†TV show segment originally aired in 1990 on Mercury fillings and the poisonous effect on those who have them in their mouths... It only aired ONCE because of the uproar it created in the dental field. You would never think that something so far reaching and pervasive as putting poison in your mouth could happen in the USA, but it did and we will never be the same as a result. Everyone alive should watch this video as a testament to the reality that no one is watching out for you in government. I found the video in it's entirety!!! Can you believe it's 18 yrs old? The truth was known then, and it's still not been banned. There are still dentists that are poisoning people everyday!!!
BBC - PANORAMA - Poison in the Mouth - (1994)
Mercury, Seafood and YOU
Jenny McCarthy on CNN - Larry King Live! April 2, 2008
Watch the "Smoking Tooth" from the IAOMT! See the mercury vapor for yourself!
Quecksilber the strange story of dental amalgam
Robert Kennedy on the Vaccine Autism Mercury Coverup