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Freedom 101

I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

It is hard to understand our purpose here on earth,and I can hear many answers already,not that one...I mean,the very main reason,who brought us here and WHY?????I have some answers but I will keep my eyes open until the natural course will close my eyes.I will say this,you are DEAD WRONG if:1.You don't believe in love 2.You do not enjoy life 3.You do not laugh daily 4.You are not positive 5.You are not realistic 6.You are involved in any king of religion 7.You believe that Jesus Christ was for real 8.You believe that our calendar is accurate 9.You bow down in front of an old person,like POPE 10.You believe in the judgment day 11.You believe in the end of our planet 12.You do not like Lady Gaga,LOL 13.You give too much credit to the government 14.You believe in republicans or democrats 15.You believe in the voting system 16.You believe Ben Bernanke,LOL 17.You listen to the president as the highest authority 18.You believe that we are alone on this planet 19.You believe that GOD is involved in your life 20.You do not believe in free energy 21.You do not see that LOVE is the answer 22.You do not love with passion 23.You do not believe in mind control 24.You listen to media thinking they are telling the truth 25.You believe the BIBLE is the word of GOD 26.You believe that one day you will live forever 27.You can not handle the truth 28.You believe lying is a solution 29.You deny facts to sustain what you like 30.You listen to testimony based on facts and you say it's conspiracy 31.You do not drive a BMW,(same class or above) and still believe you are driving a car.LOL 32.You do not see that evidence is the TRUTH 33.You do not love children and their innocence 34.You do not consider life a privilege 35.You do not listen to Jesse Ventura 36.You believe in holy ghost 37.You believe in angels 38.You believe in Hell 39.You believe in weapons and not in a warm hand shaking 40.You believe in the official 9/11 story 41.You believe that burning gasoline can melt steel 42.You do not care about others 43.You do not think personality it's above beauty 44.You believe you know everything :D 45.You regret that you loved someone in the past 46.You let the past hunt you down 47.You don't live in the present 48.You don't sing while you take a shower :D 49.You don't take time to contemplate nature 50.You don't do whatever it takes to preserve nature 51.You say UFO are not real be continued....
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*********************************************************** Thinking is more interesting than knowing, but less interesting than looking. ~Goethe***************************************************** ****** “Religion is regarded by the common people as true, by the wise as false, and by the rulers as useful.” ~Seneca***************************************************** ****** "When an inner situation is not made conscious,it appears outside as fate.... ***********************************************************n jm "WHAT WOULD YOU ATTEMPT TO DO IF YOU KNEW YOU COULD NOT FAIL"******************************************************* ******************* "THE WORLD IS A DANGEROUS PLACE,NOT BECAUSE OF THOSE WHO DO EVIL,BUT BECAUSE OF THOSE WHO LOOK AND DO NOTHING"*********************************************** "INTELLECTUALS SOLVE PROBLEMS,GENIUSES PREVENT THEM"*********************************************** "IMAGINATION IS THE PREVIEW OF THE FUTURE" Albert Einstein************************************************** "SIMPLE IN NOT SIMPLE,IS COMPLEX WITH A PRACTICAL FACE":)me*************************************************** ********* "IF YOU ARE AFRAID TO CHALLENGE YOUR BELIEFS,THAT MEANS YOU BELIEVE SOMETHING ELSE!"me**************************************************** *
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William Cooper

Posted by on Fri, 08 Aug 2008 11:18:00 GMT

North American Union is REAL

Posted by on Sat, 05 Apr 2008 11:02:00 GMT

Benjamin Fulford-MUST SEE!!!

This man has such great heart,mind and vision.I applaud him for his courage,he is my hero!!!
Posted by on Fri, 04 Apr 2008 19:41:00 GMT

Global Warming Doomsday Called Off

.. .. ..
Posted by on Fri, 04 Apr 2008 15:38:00 GMT

Watch the incredible!

..Best Video Of The Year - Watch a funny movie here ..Really BIG Dogs - Amazing videos are here Akiane Kramarik Young Artist's Paintings ...
Posted by on Fri, 04 Apr 2008 15:33:00 GMT

Genetically Modified Food-Panacea or Poison

Posted by on Fri, 04 Apr 2008 09:36:00 GMT

The Origins Of Evil by Michael Tsarion

A must see! Ever asked yourself where all injustice and cruelty in the world comes from? Michael Tsarion brings insight to the world we are ... all » living in. Watch this Conspiracy Con 2005 Present...
Posted by on Wed, 26 Mar 2008 07:45:00 GMT

Mercury poison through amalgam teeth fillings

MERCURY- Continuous poison through amalgams fillings .. ..
Posted by on Tue, 25 Mar 2008 11:26:00 GMT

Nibiru planet,21 dec 2012

Are you ready?Please watch these incredible videos,you will see things that you never seen before!!!
Posted by on Sun, 16 Mar 2008 20:09:00 GMT

Aspartame and MSG,Its all in the FOOD!!!

Please listen to it,the quality of your life depends on it!!!Fat, MSG, Aspartame, It's in all the food Hawaii bill calls for aspartame ban Aspartame and MSG are poisoning us! pt ...
Posted by on Tue, 26 Feb 2008 19:25:00 GMT