1 in 150 Kids have Autism ... 2 are mine profile picture

1 in 150 Kids have Autism ... 2 are mine

Look beyond labels and find your child!

About Me

My name is Carmen and I am a mother of 4 amazing children. I have 3 boys and 1 girl. My middle 2 boys are autistic. I wanted to start another my space page dedicated to telling their story and to encourage others to never give up or get to discouraged. Autism hit our lives slowly and for some people it hits like a train. Our story is very similar and different from yours. One thing is for sure we love our kids and want a better future for them and that is enough to unite us as we rage war on Autism.If you would like to help us with our supplement and medication expenses please make a donation to Noah and Elijah Atkins at: Wellness Health and Pharmacy 3401 Independence Drive Suite 231 Birmingham, AL 35209 205-879-6551 800-227-2627

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My Interests

I want to detail what has worked for us. We are a family of 6 with 1 income and we homeschool so based on that I had to find the most economical ways to treat them at home. I am not a doctor but everything I use was approved by our DAN doctor and can be bought online. First, the doctor gave me a list of supplements to give them and I found a product that has all but DHA. This product is VIBE. Within days of giving VIBE to our boys they were responding to their names and making eye contact consistanly! For more info on the science of VIBE visit www.switchtosuccess.com/carmen4real I use 1 tablespoon daily in juice. GREAT source on Zinc and B-12 and a whole lot more. Our whole family uses this product. listen to this testimonial.Autistic child http://www.byoaudio.com/play/WYYHNlXxFor DHA we use Nordic Naturals DHA Junior which is available from www.wellnesshealth.com. Its is available in liquid and chewable softgells. I use both for all our kids. Even our "neurotypical" children benefit from this product.Just a brief history of why we believe Noah and Elijah are autistic. I have RH negative blood so I was given a shot called Rhogam at 36 weeks gestation and within 48 hours of giving birth for each of my 4 pregnancies. This shot contains Thimerosal (mercury perservative). With Elijah I was induced and Pitocin contains Thimerosal. Elijah's diagnosis and symptoms are more severe than Noah's and we believe this is because by the time I had him I had recieved 5 Rhogam injections and he was induced and I had epidurals with all 3 as well. So not only was I mercury toxic during pregnancy but they recieved all of their vaccinations on time. Because we believe that our children's autism was brought about by MERCURY POISONING we began Chelation. We use a weekly clay bath that pulls heavy metals and an oral chelator called Bio-Chelat to loosen up the mercury that gets "stuck" and prevents the absorbtion of vitamins and minerals necessary for brain development. These products and more info are available at. www.evenbetternow.comElijah has regressive autism so a 24-hour video EEG was given to him in July. The results showed that he was having mild silent seizures. His doctor explained to us that when Elijah was laughing hystrerically in his sleep or staring off into space and nothing would get his attention that this is when he was having seizures. The cause was candida or yeast. We then began the GFCF diet which is Gluten(wheat) Free and Casein (dairy) Free diet. We started this diet slowly. First we removed all dairy from his diet and after about a month we removed wheat and started him on Probiotics. The Probiotics cleansed his system of the built up candida that was causing the seizures. The seizures have stopped and he is very affectionate now too. We will test again to see if any more silent seizures exist and we will be starting Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy soon also.We have also increased his water intake, cut out red dye and limit his sugar and carbohydrate intake. We bought a trampoline for rebounding of his lymphatic system. There are many other treatments we are looking into but I always add or take away one thing at a time so as not overwhelm their system and I try everything they take first to test for side affects. This is a long process of restoration and it takes TIME and CONSISTENCY. There are no overnight cures!

I'd like to meet:

Noah's StoryNoah did not talk till he was 4 1/2. His doctor did not seem to be concerned. When I mentioned Autism he said "he can't be autistic cause he lets me hold him". My gut told me there was more than speech delay. He ran towards danger with no regard for his safety. He wouldn't look at us or respond to his name. I spent alot of wasted time blaming myself. When he was reffered to the local school for a speech evaluation he screamed the entire time and came home and banged his head on the floor...I didn't go back. He comunicated by pulling me to what he wanted. And then came Elijah.ELIJAH'S STORYElijah was born when Noah was 19 months old and my oldest son was 3. He developed just fine until he was 15 months old. Between 15 and 18 months we thought he had gone deaf. He had had a few "ear infections" and he kept hitting himself in the head. He would not respond no matter how loud we yelled or whistled. He spent his days alone lining up cups or blocks and playing with an alphabet puzzleand staring. He would wake up every night at 2 A.M. laughing hysterically. We had his hearing tested when he turned 2 and his hearing was perfect. So I had 2 nonverbal boys and they could hear...Was I doing something wrong?ELijah was put into Early Intervention and his therapist suggest I have him tested at the Sparks Clinic in Birmingham. It took months to get the appointments set for Noah and Elijah and they took 5 months to complete. They included speech, occupational therapy, vision, hearing and psychological evaluations. During this time I spent all my spare time reading and researching. We knew the diagnosis before it was given and on May 8, 2006 we were sat down and told both were autistic. I was ready to get to work and I already had an appointment with the only DAN (defeat autism now) doctor in the state. During that summer we went full force into biomedical treatments for both boys. The results were instant and amazing. Hope!


Newly added supplements 9-07Melatonin - for Noah who never goes to sleep before midnightMethyl B-12 shots -great results!After much research and prayer I have desided to add the folowing to Elijah's supplementation: Taurine, Cornosine, DMEA, TMG with B12 and folinic acid, Glutathione, Milk thistle (sylimarin) these are needed for specific deficiences Elijah has and may not be for every child.7-19-08 We have started alkaline water and raw juicing. Both have been WONDERFULL! Elijah has normal poop for the first time in years. visit www.knowyourwater.com for info on alkaline water and www.mothernecessity.com for info on raw juicing and other nutritional interventions for autism.


Beaitiful Son - Documantary Healing Autism - Dr. Kenneth Bock Teach2Talk Animusic Vaccine Nation..
Find more photos like this on PARENTS AGAINST AUTISM


www.nationalautismassociation.org www.sashasrecovery.com www.autismwebsite.com (DAN!) www.generationrescue.org www.tacanow.org www.gfcfdiet.comTHANK YOU MERCURY TOXIC FOR THESE IMAGES!!!


Louder than Words - Jenny McCarthy, Mother Warriors - Jenny McCarthy, Children with Starving Brains - Jaquelyn McCandless, Green This - Deirdre Imus, Finding God in Autism - Devotional - Kathy Medina, Healing the New Childhood Epidemics - Dr. Kenneth Bock, The Boy Who Loved Windows - Patricia Stacey, The Autism Sourcebook - Karen Siff Exkorn, Engaging Autism - Dr. Stanley Greenspan, Autism: Effective Biomedical Treatments - Pangborn/Baker, Optimal Treatments for Autism - Dr. Jean-Ronel Corbier, Learning in Spite of Labels - Joyce Herzog, Too Wise to be Mistaken, Too Good to be Unkind - Cathy Steere, The Out of Sync Child Has Fun - Kranowitz, With The Light- Raising an Autistic Child - Keiko Tobe, The Five Love Languages of Children - Chapman & Campbell, Shepherding a Child's Heart - Tedd Trip, The Way They Learn - Tobias, Evidence of Harm - David Kirby,
Talk About Curing Autism. An Introduction For New Parents.


God is my only true hero. If God can enable David to defeat Goliath then he can enable me to defeat my giant.