Check BLOG AREA for more information and updates on specific vaccines.
The Benefits of Natural Health
Certain vitmains such as Vitamins A, C, E, Selenium, Zinc, and Magnesium are all immune boosting. Processed and refined foods, sugar, preservatives, colorings, and Tylenol use are all immune suppressive.
Measles, Mumps, Chicken Pox, Scarlet Fever...are merely a cleansing measure of the body in its effort to eliminate some of the excess poison and waste.
Children also go through a natural maturation process by having these illnesses. Many children with speech disorders, learning disabilities, tics, etc., improve after getting them.
Every state has exemptions to vaccines for Daycare and Public school entry. Know YOUR RIGHTS!
State Vaccine Exemptions
Herd Immunity-It's a Myth! Ministries of health show graphs that start in the 1950's or 1970's to make it look like vaccinations have been responsible for the eradication of diseases, but if you go back to the early 1900's or even 1800's, the diseases were already on the decline. Due to vaccines, many diseases increased, due to vaccine shedding, in newly vaccinated persons. (More on herd immunity and a larger version of this graph in BLOG.)
Vaccines and the Mercury Connection...
What about Autism, ADD/ADHD, Learning Disabilities, Allergies, Diabetes...? What is already known?
Read for yourself...
Downward Trend in Neurological Disorders
Mercury in Vaccines-The Department of Health and Human Services
Interview with Boyd E. Haley
Monitoring Vaccine Safety
Mercury and the CDC Cover-up
The CDC needs no convincing as to the truth about the autism epidemic, as the transcript from the secret Simpsonwood meeting held in June, 2000 reveals.
Simpsonwood Meeting
The official position is a lie that is being used to convince the American public that mercury-containing vaccines haven’t affected a generation of children. This is being done illegally, because it is illegal for a federal agency to propagandize the American public.
Even just a small amount of mercury, which can sit on the head of a pin, is toxic.
Thimerosal..according to the IOM only trace amounts remain. So what does that mean?
REMOVAL means that Thimerosal was used during the production process but removed/filtered at a certain
stage during production resulting in residual traces remaining in the vaccine.
REDUCTION of thimerosal means that it is still used but reduced in comparision with the amount in the already licensed vaccine.
ELIMINATION means it is not used in any stage of production and considered truly Thimerosal-free.
In order to know what you are getting, you can ask to see the package insert and read thru the ingredients list first.
However, mercury goes under different names and are you ready for this...
The FDA allows vaccines to be labeled "mercury-free" even though they can still legally contain a certain amount of mercury, as mercury is actually part of the antiquated process of manufacturing vaccines, which has pretty much remain unchanged over 60 years.
READ THE STATE LAW to be sure of what it says.
For all states, they can be viewed here:
Quick Facts-The Disease vs.the Risks of Vaccinations:
Vaccines...Are They Really Safe or Effective?
An Indepth Look at Childhood Vaccines:
Very informative movie On Vaccines by Dr. Sherri Tenpenny
FREE EBOOKS Below! Click on the Pic!
U.K. Info.
Australian Info.
Vaccine Liberation
National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program
Medical Journals
New Zealand Info.
Canadian Info.