I was born perfect, lets keep it that way! profile picture

I was born perfect, lets keep it that way!

I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

I'm a mom to two beautifully health children. I've studied nutrition, and have self-educated myself with as much information that I can constantly get at my fingertips about a wide variety of interests in how to keep our bodies and our children's bodies as healthy as they can be. Check out my Alter Ego where you can get to know me personally too!Don't forget to subscribe to the blog, I will try to post something new often regarding keeping your wee ones and YOU healthy as you were designed to be!

My Interests

I want this profile to be a resource for information for other parents wanting to educate themselves better before making a decision about ANYTHING that will affect their child such as:
formula feeding
crying it out
household chemicals
processed foods
artificial flavoring and dyes in foods
prescription drugs
homeopathic medicine
herbal remedies
food allergies
hospital births
Please send me any information that you want to share on this profile, anything that you've found valuable and wish you would have known about in making decisions for your child.

I'd like to meet:

To participate in the nurse-in, please post an image or banner or headline representing that breastfeeding is not offensive, indecent or a crime!Please sign the petition!
Sign the Petition Here!!


My Blog

My opinions... in case you cared to know

Common sense according to April. What you eat will be used by your body for new growth and replacement of what it uses every day to live.  If you feed it crap, you'll soon feel like crap... what...
Posted by I was born perfect, lets keep it that way! on Mon, 09 Jun 2008 12:46:00 PST

Want to call the White House?

So do you want to call the White House? It's (202)456-1414. You should give them a call, and ask for the resignation papers of Julie Gerberding, the current director of the C.D.C., who in the words of...
Posted by I was born perfect, lets keep it that way! on Mon, 28 Apr 2008 09:21:00 PST

Is Male circumcision really the same as Female Genital Mutilating?

A wonderful, intelligent, sassy, cool, fantastic, etc. etc. etc. woman wrote a blog about this comparision.  It was a paper that she did for her Soc. class, so with her permission, I'm posti...
Posted by I was born perfect, lets keep it that way! on Thu, 24 Apr 2008 10:24:00 PST

Earth Day?

It was yesterday, April 22nd. But every day should be Earth Day... after all, we live on the Earth every day. What changes have you made to improve what you use from this Earth?  Or what changes...
Posted by I was born perfect, lets keep it that way! on Wed, 23 Apr 2008 08:44:00 PST

April is Autism Awareness Month

And with it brings some food for thought for me.  I got into a conversation about vaccines with a rather obnoxious "medical student" who thinks he knows the hard answers, but really doesn’...
Posted by I was born perfect, lets keep it that way! on Tue, 08 Apr 2008 07:43:00 PST

April, what do you do when...

I get asked often a reoccuring question... "April, what do you do when your kid has"  this or that.  For a big part, my kids havent' had a lot of the common illnesses, ailments, or issues.&n...
Posted by I was born perfect, lets keep it that way! on Sat, 26 Jan 2008 07:48:00 PST

Tis the Season... FLU SEASON

It's that time of year when all the local stores with pharmacies, the radio advertisements, and magazines are all telling you to go get "your flu shot" as if putting it on a personal slant will give y...
Posted by I was born perfect, lets keep it that way! on Tue, 20 Nov 2007 07:48:00 PST

Population control?

Absolutely.  Don't be so naive to think this is just a conspiracy theorist's over the top assumptions.  Let it marinate for a minute. ---------------------------------------------------...
Posted by I was born perfect, lets keep it that way! on Sun, 26 Aug 2007 10:25:00 PST

I can't freaking stand it!!!

I hate more than anything when I hear people say "I have fibromyalgia, so I'm on disability." Or talking about fibromyalgia in any context as if it is a death sentence. Guess what?  "I" have fibr...
Posted by I was born perfect, lets keep it that way! on Sat, 07 Jul 2007 10:43:00 PST

April, what do you eat??

So Codi asked me, in light of my "how to eat healthy series" what a normal week of eating is like in my house.  I don't recall all the meals we've had this week, so I'll do my best to throw those...
Posted by I was born perfect, lets keep it that way! on Thu, 28 Jun 2007 03:08:00 PST