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About Me

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My Interests

my main interests are music (listening to it, going to shows, playing shows, writing music), movies, going out to eat..preferably Japanese and Spanish, hanging w/ my kitties, family and friends, photography, hiking, reading, poetry (hA!! yes I said it..poetry). The one thing that I plan on doing more of in the future is traveling..lots of it.

I'd like to meet:

Keith Richards


Elliot Smith, Supersuckers, Old 97's, L7,The MUFFS, Rolling Stones, FooFighters, Otis Redding, The Beatles,The Riverboat Gamblers, Muzzle, Ramones,the Lemonheads, Bleu, Superdrag, Bowie, Nobody's heroes, Dresdon Dolls, Kiss, Andrea Gillis, The Marvels, The Vandals, Weezer, Innerpink!!, Alice Cooper, The Dents, Postal Service, Ad Frank, Jay Allen, Soundgarden, The White Stripes, oKGO!,johnny Cash, Jimi Hendrix,Dwight Yoakem, The Briefs, any band that Dave Unger is in, Lou Reed, Paula Kelley, Raymond (uhh...Hooray for Earth)?! Midnight Creeps, The Swindells(wow)!!, Amigazo, Blondie, Pretenders (only the 1st 2 albums), The Cars, Tom Petty,The Johnnies, the Drags, the Erotics, BEEFY/dc, Damone, The Darkness, Tina Turner, RHCP, the Coffin Lids, The Tampoffs, Muck and the Mires, Penis Fly Trap, Downbeat 5, Morphine, The Gentleman, Whiskeytown..Collider!


ALL Alfred Hitchcock movies, Waking life, Brokeback Mountain (I think its one of the greatest love stories ever..Ive seen it like 12 times)Bram Stokers Dracula, The Shining, La Femme Nikita (the Original French version, not the American snoozefest of a movie version) Pulp Fiction, Ray, Walk the Line, Hotel Rwanda,Taxi Driver, The Crying Game, The Butterfly effect, True Romance, Natural Born Killers, Do the Right Thing, The Wedding Crashers, Sin City, Betty Blue, Theres something about Mary, Titanic (only in the movie theatre with a full screen)


don't know why..but lately its been reality show fest for me. I think E Law and Andrew are to blame! Miami Ink, Top Chef (in loove with that show) Bad Girls club (I know it's a bad in aweful, but i can't help myself)The Hills (Super Stupid Shitty show) American Chopper and of course Thee ultimate in entertainment..the one the only... American Idol!! Chapelle show, Supernatural, Smallville, National geographic channel, animal planet, twilight zone, The Learning Channel,that 70's show, 6 feet under (best show ever ever evereverr), Wayans brothers, Sex and the City, Girlfriends, Star trek (the originals and w/ Captain Pickard) Conan O'Brien, and how could I ever forget.. The 3 Stooges!!


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My Brother Nick A. Fotopoulos
My Grandmother Maria Papageorgiou

My Blog

sooo true

I have compassion for almost all the individuals of the world ; at the same time, they repulse me. Charles Bukowski
Posted by vikki on Tue, 07 Feb 2006 10:44:00 PST