just profile picture



About Me

~*Try to imagine the intensity of Jeff Buckley filtered backwards over the power and brutal honesty of an incandescent Morrissey. Combine this mouth watering and unquestionably vibrant residue with the guitar choir of a 1995 Radiohead tour. Re-strain and serve over a crushed ice backline, slowly melting in a 90’s summer breeze, adding fluidity to the richly original taste. Yet still frozen enough in its emotional attack at your core, to leave you desperate to re-pour and start over. Bottle it and call it 'just'. .
Journey into the intimacy and innate power of Justs music and be lost forever.
Photography & designs by Angel Palmer.
Latest News:
We are through to the Semi-finals of the Surface Unsigned festival, thanks to everyone that has helped us get this far, and we look forward to rocking out at the Dome.
Also a big thankyou to everyone who supported us in the last couple of weeks! We had an awesome night on tuesday at the JAR showcase and will have some more news to follow soon on that note....
In other news stay tuned for two new tracks, 'Where i hear no voices' and 'Rise to stand' which we will have finished in the next week.
To receive more info via justmail. please enter your e-mail address here.......

My Interests


Member Since: 10/19/2005
Band Website: myspace.com/just101
Band Members: Richie Lewis (Lead Vocals)
Olly Lewis (Guitar/Vocals)
Matt Lewis (Guitar/Piano/Vocals)
Jonny Hill (Bass)
Matt Couch (Drums)

Influences: Including- - Radiohead, Verve, Jeff Buckley, U2, Gene, Suede, Ocean Colour Scene, Embrace, Bloc Party, Muse, The National, Manic Street Preachers, Arcade Fire, Longview, Nirvana...........
Sounds Like: Live on the freedom of Musical Opinion*~
Type of Label: None

My Blog

So far so good then. . . .

Hello Thanks to those who made it last night to Surface! And for the fantastic support, really made a difference on stage. Next round is the London Semi-finals, which will be held at the Dome in Tufne...
Posted by just on Tue, 03 Jun 2008 01:47:00 PST

1 Gig, 2 Guitars and 3 broken strings...

Hello!More great support again on saturday! so thankyou yet again, hopefully it was worth it just to see olly break 3 strings and richie play the drums!Gonna be taking a bit of time now to finish our ...
Posted by just on Thu, 10 Apr 2008 08:21:00 PST

SURFACE . and the first band through to the next round is..(cue heart beat)

Some of you were there, some of you have heard already and some of you are probably bored shitless with these updates! sorry.....But we made the cut... second round of the Surface unsigned festival, a...
Posted by just on Wed, 05 Mar 2008 03:48:00 PST


Well well well, it all comes down to this.  As I'm sure you are all aware now, we have been selected to play in the UK's largest annual unsigned band competition - Surface Unsigned Festival. ...
Posted by just on Thu, 28 Feb 2008 06:20:00 PST

Surface Unsigned Festival 08 DETAILS

DETAILS:The first round of the Surface Unsigned Festival, which will be held@ Boston Music Rooms, Tufnell Park. We are onstage: 9.30PMBut get there nice and early cause there will be some great new ba...
Posted by just on Thu, 14 Feb 2008 02:32:00 PST


Hi there kids, we hope you are all well. 2008 is upon us and the Just machine is beginning to purr like the little baby cat Just Towers wishes it had (for the record if we did have a cat we'd call it ...
Posted by just on Fri, 01 Feb 2008 04:44:00 PST


Its coming up to the holidays again and the 5 prongs of the Just-Orgasmatron and settling in for the Winter.    We're in the middle of writing some new tracks ready for some studio time and...
Posted by just on Tue, 04 Dec 2007 08:25:00 PST

We did the Wild thing....all night!!

Going down better than a Paris Hilton home movie, Just made a triumphant return to the London scene on Friday night.  Well&..perhaps I'm embellishing a little but it was a great gig and thanks to...
Posted by just on Mon, 10 Sep 2007 05:40:00 PST

Come and party with us!!

Friends, how are we all doing? Hope you all are well and we're anticipating seeing lots of you at our Water Rats gig in Kings Cross this Friday, 7th Sept.  We're on at 9:00pm so plenty of time t...
Posted by just on Tue, 04 Sep 2007 06:26:00 PST

Back on the recording trail. . . . .

Hey all We were back recording some more tracks again yesturday, wow think we're on a roll! Part from this time we are in the capable hands of erm.....Me! yeah w're been recording our two new tr...
Posted by just on Wed, 18 Apr 2007 03:28:00 PST