Watch this video... this is IMPORTANT.
A little about me.
I'm a 54 year old, 185 pound, old gray head athlete, is what I really am. You see while everybody on the planet was preparing to go to collage to study some amazing subject like Zoology, or trying to find that job that they thought would be the future builder for them, I was studying Martial Art. At first primarily just as something to do at age 17.
Wait... that's enough about that, let me start from here.
I started out in the work world as a salesman (actually my FIRST job was with U.S. Steel in Gary, Indiana shoveling scale at 30 pounds a shovel full, all day long). It wasn't long before I realized that I was too small for that kind of work, and that I probably would be DEAD after a few more shovel fulls of that if I didn't do something on the PDQ (pretty damn quickly).... Well, I did do something, I joined the Army... and for the next 3 years the Army did everything that it could to try to kill me too... my only thought was that everywhere I go... they're trying to f__kin' kill me.
Anyway... after the Military, back to Gary I went (after a 3 year stint you really don't care where you go, as long as it's away from Guns and Amo) so there I was back in Gary. Looking for something to do "that wouldn't kill me"... in 1977 I hit Chicago... I was now a part time salesman, and a part time "Professional Model" (part time mind you, as I was still back working swing shift in that good ol' reliable U.S. Steel) after several commercial "print jobs", and still doing my Karate... I shot straight into HOLLYWOOD in 1979... what happened in the next 20 years you wouldn't believe... and that is why I wrote a screenplay about it.
MEN will grab their Nuts and run... WOMEN will simply FAINT.
In the mean time, check out WWW.CHUMA.WS
Stay tuned for more about me... and CHUMA FILMS.
These videos "ARE NOT" films by Chuma Films, but are included here solely for your entertainment.
The one "ABOVE" is include because I think that it is a Socially IMPORTANT video.
The one "BELOW" helps to illustrate the fact that you "CAN" have entertainment "WITHOUT" showing a bunch of tits, crotch, and azz.
IN HONOR OF... "Real" heros...
HENRY ROBINSON JR., a WWII veteran and front line "Rifleman". In 1943 during WWII Henry Robinson Jr. captured 7 Germans single handedly, and was never even given a thank you by the U.S. Army.
Henry Robinson Jr. was assigned to Company "I" of the 366th Infantry Battalion throughout WWII... that battalion was also know as "The Buffalo Soldiers".
That soldier, Henry Robinson Jr., ... is my father.
With his wife of 57 years... Ma.