ACTING... Reading... finding new quotes... getting lost and finding scenic spots... Going to the beach/Marina/Lake and thinking... Drinking Apple Juice... Going to the Theater... Baking and all Arts & Crafts... Watching Plays... LAUGHING, especially at other people... Letting people know how great of a job they have done... Tanning... Shaking my hair... Eating Sushi... Wearing flip-flops... Smiling
The Journey is Yours!
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RENT, Pippi Longstockings, Selena, Panther, Bamboozled, The Count of Monte Cristo, Harry Potter, Stand by me, Crash, Love and Basketball, Kill Bill, Derailed, The Wedding Crashers, 40 Year Old Virgin, Moulin Rouge, Chicago, Wicker Park, The Notebook, Sin City, Coming to America, Brown Sugar, Forrest Gump, Memoirs of a Geisha, Napoleon Dynomite, Thelma and Louise, City of God, Little Shop of Horrors, Gladiator, Dark Knight, 300, The Labyrinth (original), Sex and The City... The list goes on, except scary movies. I am a huge Sanaa Lathan and Rosario Dawson fan!
My collection of movies rock harder than any television show. But if I had to choose, I would say: All Cartoons, especially Family Guy and the Simpsons, Spongebob, The first 48 hours, Ace of Cakes, SATC re-runs, America's Next Top Model, Inside the Actor's Studio, Lockup: RAW, Anything on CNN, Law and Order
My Father, Uncle, my sisters who are the epitomy of strong black women... and all those who dare to dream and succeed even in the face of adversity.