Here's some family memories. My Grandma was the most wonderful woman in the universe and she's still with us in spirit:
I revisited this question and I would like to Meet Oprah.
I do feel very fortunate to have met so many amazing people from all different walks of life, some who are no longer with us, but have changed the world in a positive way.
My mom always taught my sister and me not to be impressed by a person's occupation or status because they go to the bathroom the same as other folks and have the same fears, insecurities, blah blah blah...
Ya heard?
I have a wonderful group of close true friends that have been there with me through thick and thin and I love them!! They are my doggs! They know my idiosyncrasies and love me anyway. They all call me Micki, btw.
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Imitation of Life (1959) It was my Grandma's favorite, my Mom's and now mine (Makes me cry every single time I watch),Pretty Woman, When Harry Met Sally, Coach Carter, Remember the Titans, Just Like Heaven, 13 Going on 30, The Siege, City of Angels, How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days, In Her Shoes, The Break up, so many more...
I Tivo a lot, but I don't get to watch it all.
Information Junkie, so the news shows: 20/20, Dateline, Primetime, 48 Hours...
Entourage, Grey's Anatomy, Feel good television (heart warming stories)like Extreme Makeover Home Edition, NFL & College Football, Inside the NFL, NFL Network, NBA Basketball,
Y&R my one soap (my sister and I are the critics),
Escape televison, you know watching other people's drama ...reality TV...shhhhhh!
That's all I'm willing to admit. Don't be the pot or the kettle ya heard!?
Authors: Iyanla Vanzant, Deepak Chopra, James Van Praagh, Echo Bodine, Michael Tamura, Guy Finley and most importantly, my Mom Barbara True and her brilliant book "The Great Mix-up"
My Mom, (she should have a cape) I hope to one day gain her knowledge, My Grandma, I pray to be as kind, loved and admired one day. Every person who has the drive to pursue their dreams, the courage to be a leader, the strength to be true to themselves and all while maintaining a constructive disposition. Last, but not least, my Sister for her incredible ability to raise two amazing and outstanding children and be my road dogg fo real!