ive been known to put things in my bum.......also like stamps
anyone whos open to experience.....and cancerous lumps bum grapes....bum grapes need love too!
dont get me started, anyting and everyting. From shadow to hype, to blackalisious to ICP, to meshugga to nirvana to aritha f to alisha keys, cash to br549, ryanadams to george micheal, to queen to rradiohead to cirulus to neverland, derrin n to boz scaggs n so on n so on. er what ever i like really a truly open mind is the best one to have in my opinion....not just what the 'cool' 'in' mags say.fuck themI have a load of musical projects me self. the main is 'THEJAMESWARNERPROPHECIES' which is an ecclectic flute driven tingle. some rock some acoustic. all melodies and genuin heart. check da space (all below in me top friends) next I got 'DINNER MUSIC FOR HUNGRY CANNIBLES (D.M.H.C) this is a metal band with masks n suits n bad dancing. If you take it seriously, your a fuckin moron. lauph with us or at us either way:) Then 'GING INFERIOR' same sorta ting but a studio ting. Me n a few mates make this stuff in me 'studio'....or spare bedroom as its known This is going to be released as a comic book with cd when da art is ready. watch this space. till then tho check it out on da space. 'Little show' is a little ditty. basically songs that have not been put in or are a bit unsuitable for jwp at the mo. Just me n me spare room and archie my beloved acoustic. and finally 'TARQUIN ROCHBOLOCH' which is my electronic music. Ranges from d n b to techno to house to metalish electro.... or whatever the mood takes at the time of being made. this will be available soon so watch this space for releases.
the destroyer. kik it mofo
its shit basically init. sumtimes ya get a jem but tend to buy it so ya dont get fuckin adverts!!!! tv sucks, christ only knows why ive got a license
what the things with words in them?
president bush..... and hitler of course quite like ronin keating to0o