Trumpet, Addictive pHilosopHy, Music Shed, classic cars, piercings and tattoos, geek, vinyl, web design, straightedge, vegetarian, world, conspiracy theories, GeZ Addictive.
I play trumpet in Addictive pHilosopHy , EMYJO and Derby Concert Band.
I spend most of my time at The Music Shed
I love classic cars, especially Minis. I am slowly building my own mini.
I like getting piercings and tattoos.
I'm a big geek and love designing websites (Pinksmartie Web Design)
My new addiction is vinyl!!
I have chosen to be straightedge basically because I have never smoked a cigarette or taken any illegal drugs and I thought what is the point of drinking?
I am also a vegetarian.
I'm trying to do my part to look after our world whilst I can.
I am a true believer in most conspiracy theories.
I'm a very lucky girl to have met GeZ Addictive, who does a lot for everyone he can!! He cooks me good food (and always does the washing up!!) and takes me to nice places in the countryside and lots of other awesome things which I'm very grateful for!! I'm in love :)