Teresa profile picture


Local Personality, International Contrarian

About Me

Most people know me as being ascerbic, sarcastic, funny, direct and wild but there is a whole other side of me (that exists more than the other) that is highly introspective, quiet, sensitive, and deep.I love to eat well and have some drinks but I also take excellent care of myself. I prefer to hang out w/someone who is egotistical and smart rather than nice and dumb. Dumbness is the hardest thing for me to tolerate. I'm completely prejudiced towards New Yorkers which means, if you are from there (of course Brooklyn and the boroughs are included), I probably already like you. I question myself at least 12 times a day about still being in L.A. My dog is one of the coolest on the planet and is the Derby Dolls' mascot. See below for her picture as an alien "bunny". I'm an obsessive reader consuming everything from political columns to Westways (the AAA mag-not AA!). It's incomprehensible to me how people like Cheney and Bush exist. They are Lizard People. My heart broke in response to the New Orleans disaster. I read "Walden" when I was 15 and thought it sounded like a pretty good existence. Still do. I may up and move to the middle of nowhere at any minute and have a bunch of animals. I may strive to become the new sasquatch.

My Interests

photography, drawing, painting, adopting old things, travelling, analyzing, reading, fashion, music, cooking & eating gourmet food, hiking, mountains, beaches, physics, deserts, hick towns, roller coasters, perfectly made coffee, sleeping late, slumber parties, convertibles, classic cars, shit talking, people that can handle shit talking, road trips, good tequila, people who laugh loudly, garlic, barbershop quartets, languages, underdogs, sparkling wit, simplicity, snow, leaves in the fall, looking at the moon on a clear night and thinking how everything is made out of little or big balls all swirling about.

I'd like to meet:

People from NYC and Texas. Older punk rockers handling it. Branch Davidians. SLC polygamists. That guy talking really loudly to no one as he walks down the street. Religious people that have the balls (stupidity really) to come to my door and try to convert me. The pimply adolscent shitty job worker on the Simpsons. I'd like to drink some great scotch w/Sinatra in a dive bar in Hoboken. Quakers. Angelyne. Siegfried and Roy. John Kennedy Toole. R. Crumb. Drinky Crow. Michael Jackson.


Most recent purchase: 3 CDs for $4 from the swap meet: "Miss Kitt to You" Eartha Kitt, "The Cole Porter Songbook" Ella Fitzgerald, & Kenya Dance Mania. Good stuff and a steal!**Lounge, Bossa Nova, World, Reggae/Dub, Old School punk, Flamenco, Vibes, Theremins, Drum 'n Bass, dancy fancy pantsy, Serge Gainsborough, Peggy Lee, Willie Nelson, Ramones, Rockabilly, Kraftwerk on and on.


SPACEBALLS, 2001, After Hours, Breakfast at Tiffany's, Groundhog Day, The Player, La Strada, Breathless, Eyes Without a Face, The Hills Have Eyes, Willie Wonka & the Chocolate Factory, The Sound of Music (yes, I'm fully admitting that), old and foreign flicks, Run Lola Run, Falling Down (ha, ha L.A.)


Anything with Huell Howser. The Robin Byrd Show.


A Confederacy of Dunces. My American Heritage dictionary, Larousse's Gastronomique, my ripped up Spanish and Portuguese dictionaries, Nutritional Healing, Walden, Edward Gorey's books, Richard Scarry's books, Little House on the Prairie series, Are You There God? It's Me, Margaret. Betsey and Ramona, The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe. The Art of the Deal. Willie Nelson's autobiographies. Shelley Winters' autobiography (now that's humor).


Phyliss Diller, Bill Murray, Frank Sinatra, Zippy the Pinhead, Joan Rivers, Rodney Dangerfield, Rip Taylor, Charo, Richard Simmons, Arianna Huffington, Martha Stewart, Donald Trump, Howard Stern, Bob Barker, Drinky Crow, Willie Nelson.

My Blog

myspace setting=private=gay

Pretty self-explanatory: why are you on here if you don't want to meet people or share? Is this the new "cooler" way to "myspace"? Did this start in Echo Park?
Posted by Teresa on Wed, 10 Jan 2007 04:38:00 PST

Kill Jared

What overpaid ad executive started the Jared for Subway campaign because they, along with Jared, should be shot. To whom is a bespectacled geek who has that "I used to be fat now I am deflated and wei...
Posted by Teresa on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

20 Questions

I can't even get through those boring questions, so here's my own: 1. What is the grossest thing in your refrigerator right now? 2. Do you own any condoms whose expiration date has passed? 3....
Posted by Teresa on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST