The Chairman profile picture

The Chairman

About Me

I was born December 26, 1893, in Shao-shan, Hunan province. I like ping pong.I attended primary school,where I studied traditional Confucian classics. My mother was devoutly Buddhist. I served briefly in the republican army. I then spent six months studying in the provincial library.I graduated from Hunan First Normal School. I went to Peking, and worked as a library assistant at Peking University. At University, I made contact with intellectual radicals who later were high in the Chinese Communist party. In 1919, I returned to Hunan. Here, I engaged in political activity. I organized groups, and published a political review.I was a founding member of the Chinese Communist Party. A Chinese soviet was founded in Juichin, Kiangsi province, with me as chairman. But a series of extermination campaigns by Chiang Kai-shek's Nationalist government forced the CCP to abandon Juichin in 1934. This was the start of the Long March. I was able to gain control of the Chinese Communist Party, puttin an end to Russian direction. The Communist forces reached Shensi, October 1935, after a march of 10,000 km.The Japanese invasion during W.W.11, forced the CCP and the Kuomintang to form a united front. I rose in stature as a national leader. Under me, the Chinese Communist Party membership rose from 40,000 members in 1937 to 1,200,000 members in 1945. After the end of W.W.11, the united front split and civil war erupted. The Chinese Communist Party came to power and Chiang's government was forced to flee to Taiwan.When the United States rebuffed me, China developed a close alliance with the USSR. During the early 1950s, I served as chairman of the Communist party, chief of state, and chairman of the military commission.During the Cultural Revolution my sayings, printed in a little red book, and buttons bearing my image were distributed. I died in Peking on September 9, 1976. MyGen Profile Generator ..

My Interests

ping pong, video games.

I'd like to meet:

uncle tony, hes a capitalist, but an innovative thinker in the methods of child wieght loss


chinese hip hop, techno, rave.




dog whisperer,


limeny snickets


uncle tony, myself,