Nova Scotia profile picture

Nova Scotia

'Canada's Ocean Playground' fucking rules.

About Me

Hey, my name is Nova Scotia, and thats latin for New Scotland yo'.
I'm about 55,490 Sq Km big, and I like the Mayflower, Osprey, and the Red Spruce tree.
I hooked up with Canada on July 1st 1867 officially, but the port city of Halifax is one of the oldest British settlements. Halifax was established way back in 1749.
I'm also a huge peninsula, not an island as some of your kids might think.
Back when the continents separeted from Africa, North America left me back there and I had to make my way myself. Typical.
For the past few thousand years, I've been hanging out with New Brunswick. New Brunswick can be such a bitch sometime, because it likes to pretend not to speak english, and it gets all pissy with me about the whole deportation of Acadians. Grow up! that was like 260 years ago. What a fucker.
908,007 people live on me, and most of that is in Halifax, my capital city.
My motto is latin for "One defends, the other conquers" which is pretty bitchin' I think.
I'm the coolest province you will ever meet.

My Interests

Tourism, lobster, Tall Ships, unemployment, local music, sea shanties, panoramic views, gas huffing, drinking, Casino Nova Scotia, straight edge, Maud Lewis (her crippled hands are freaky), the lovely Sydney Tar-Ponds (Cancer capital of Canada)

I'd like to meet:

I like to meet everyone! July and August are big months for me, as I receive visitors from all over the United States and the world. People travel from all over to take in my beatiful harbours, ocean views and hodge podge of cultures. I also want to meet motherfuckers/fatherfuckers, fags, dikes, straight edgers, people of size, posers, drunks, punks, whore/sluts, losers, cool kids, people with cars, construction workers, hostages, and someone to get fat with.
If you would like to post pictures in the comments, please make sure they are no larger than 300 pixels. You don't want to make me mad, I'll lower minimum wage, and shorten summer again!


Sloan, Buck 65, Scratch Bastid, bagpipes, fiddle music, Rankin Family, Sarah MacLachlan, Rita McNeil, Anne Murray, Local House DJ's, The Mamas and The Papas.


Mostly made-for-t.v. movies, K-19, Shipping News, and other ill shit that was filmed here.


Trailer Park Boys, This Hour Has 22 Minutes, Made In Canada, Black Harbour, Pit Poney, Cindy Day Knows Why, Eastlink Sports, CODCO


Lesley Choyce, Hugh MacLennan, George Elliott Clarke, Alistair Macloud, anything by Maxine Tynes, and anything about the Halifax Explosion.


Joseph Howe, Lord Cornwallis, Duke of Halifax, Queen Victoria, Acadians.

My Blog


Hey Guys, If you see that I might be missing something about Nova Scotia, please send me a message, and after carefull scrutiny I will decide to add it to the page or not. We all live here, so if yo...
Posted by Nova Scotia on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

Welcome Bluenosers!

Welcome to Nova Scotia, the land you love to hate. This page is still currently under contruction. It is hard to create a webpage, as well as being a full time province. Updates are daily, so check...
Posted by Nova Scotia on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST