Raul Carnota profile picture

Raul Carnota


About Me

Singer, author, composer, guitar player, percussionist and performer, on Argentinean- root popular music. Music and poetry talents are gather in him, grabbing on roots without calling himself a traditional, nor taken by the prejudges of those, he has developed and offered a rigid ethic with a flexible esthetic, conjoined.__________________________________________________ __________ Cantor, Autor, compositor, guitarrista, percusionista e intérprete de Música Popular de Raíz Folklórica Argentina. Se reúnen en él talentos musicales y poéticos. Aferrado a las raíces sin declamarse tradicionalista, y sin los prejuicios de aquellos, ha desarrollado y ofrecido una ética rígida y una estética flexible por integradora.

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My Interests


Member Since: 1/8/2008
Band Website: raulcarnota.com.ar
Band Members: Coplas para mi Tierra
Video Resize of joomblyLa Vieja
Video Resize of joomblyLa Camorrita
Video Resize of joomblyPecado de Juventud
Video Resize of joomblySantiago Manta
Video Resize of joombly Gatito e las Penas
Video Resize of joomblyEl Salitral
Video Resize of joomblyLuna de Guitian
Video Resize of joomblyDebajo de la Morera - Proyecto Sanluca
Video Resize of joombly

Record Label: Acqua Records
Type of Label: Indie

My Blog


Raúl CarnotaAuthor, Composer, and Argentinean Music Performer Biography: Singer, author, composer, guitar player, percussionist and performer, on Argentinean- root popular music. He was born in Octobe...
Posted by Raul Carnota on Sat, 02 Feb 2008 05:32:00 PST


Raúl Carnota Autor, compositor e interprete de música argentina Cantor, Autor, Compositor, Guitarrista, Percusionista e intérprete de Música Popular de Raíz Folklórica Argentina, nacido el 30 de Oct...
Posted by Raul Carnota on Sat, 02 Feb 2008 05:07:00 PST