Young Birds Fly profile picture

Young Birds Fly

Let's watch the completed Young Birds Fly!

About Me

"Young Birds Fly" traces the wonder, discovery and disappointment of the contempory Los Angeles Mod/Skin/Northern Soul movement through the eyes of a quiet teenage girl named Jill.
I edited my profile at , check out these Myspace Layouts !

My Interests

Writer and Director Leonardo Flores will be producing his first feature length movie called Young Birds Fly. Filming began January 28 2006 and finished early August. The Film will out in late January early Feburary 2007.

I'd like to meet:

Hello Fans and Friends,If you add Young Birds Fly and it appears it takes a few days for accept the invitation it's just that I like to check out each profile. I'm really interested in art, fashion, music photography that many of you do so well. I love 6t's Mod and Soft Pop music, 45rpms, Northern Soul, Ska, French and Italian Cinema, Anime, Pop Art, Surf and Hotrod culture, and history and I learn much by checking out each profile.
Thanks for taking the time out to visit the YBF site. If you have and questions or comments about Young Birds Fly feel free to email me.
Leonardo Flores
******************YBF DVD & Screenings info*****************************
I receive about 5 emails a day concerning the DVD release and Screenings of YBF. I have been focusing my attention over the last month on the Whittier, CA screening of YBF on July 21st. I want to screen to you all as much as you want to watch it but all the other areas that I have wanted to screen it have fell through. The only exception is if YBF gets picked up for festivals.
I am curently working on getting the Young Birds Fly DVD out before Summer 2008. The Cover artwork is finished and it looks great!
Thank you everone for your interest in Young Birds Fly and making it what it is.
Keep The Faith,
Leonardo Flores


Licensing permiting, the following artists will be on the soundtrack: Al Hirt, Luiz Bonfa, Marcos Valle, the Who, Billy Idol, Percy Faith Orch., The Sandpipers, The Zombies, Colin Blunstone, Julius La Rosa, Brazilla 5, Carmen McRae.


Directed & Written By Leonardo Flores, Elizabeth Blanchard As C-Bird,Saree Costa as Jeananne,Tracy Melody as Jill, Wardrobe by Sarah Ward, Hair by Carrisa Nace (From Urban Renewal Salon Claremont CA) Jessica Puertas as H.S. Hooligan,Willie Puertas as Dad, Allen Turner Ward as Okeh Allen, Katie Eischen as West Side Girl, Luke Barnett as Soccer Boy, Brian Woods as Mr. Johnson, Miss Mary Anne King as Mrs. Weaver, Mark Sanfilippo as Uncle, David Seigworth as Damon the Skin, Rossana Alverado & Steve Govia as A-Bird and The DJ, Kirk Ramage as Mod The Mature, Sarah Turi as La Scooter Dame, Darlene Guitron as The Modette, Marty Shields as Council 1, Josh Castaneda as Himself, Nick Peterson as the Punk Rock Clerk Also starring Kerry Kile, Quitty, Yadira, Angie, Janell, Riannon Beltran, Nicole, Marty. Directors Assistants:Erick Olage, Brad Henderson. Special Thanks to John Garside, Peanut and Guy of Mod Times, Cherri Savoie of Savoie Hair Solutions Pomona, Lee Tintary, Chris Hruby, The Laskers, Dr. Strange Records of Alta Loma, Randy Freid of Groovy Records Pomona,KCAT, Mike Villaraza the New Orleans Mod,David George of Kaiser Bills Militaria, Hayes Outopalik III, Wayne Kennedy,

My Blog

YBF Journal 56: DVD Cover Near Finished!

Hello Friends.The DVD release for Young Birds Fly is coming along great. Here is the update:1) Last night I finished up the DVD cover. It has a Criterion Collection feel to it and it looks great.2) I ...
Posted by Young Birds Fly on Sun, 06 Jan 2008 11:14:00 PST

YBF Journal 55: DynoVoice There’s That Beat Article

Here You Go! I'm almost moved in here in Uptown Whittier and I had my SLOOOW internet hooked up today. Another week I should be back in business.Please pick up the lastest issue of There's That B...
Posted by Young Birds Fly on Sat, 25 Aug 2007 10:15:00 PST

YBF Journal 53 Welcome Whittier

  Just thought I'd let everyone know that I just moved to my new pad in Uptown Whittier. From finding a place to moving took a total of 7 days. Sadly I don't have a refrigerator and internet acce...
Posted by Young Birds Fly on Wed, 15 Aug 2007 07:11:00 PST

YBF Journal 53 Updates and Exposition YBF

Hello Friends,Since the week before the 21st screening of YBF I've been slammed with many emails, comments and requests for YBF and it hasn't died down! Thanks for all the letters and it is greatly ap...
Posted by Young Birds Fly on Thu, 09 Aug 2007 01:07:00 PST

YBF Journal 52: Screeing Contacts

Just put my list together of intrested parties for the screenings of YBF. I will call and contact tomorrowCheers Leonardo
Posted by Young Birds Fly on Mon, 30 Apr 2007 10:21:00 PST


Hello Friends,Just want to let you all know at 4:38 this afternoon I finished the last transfer of Young Birds Fly to DVD and it looks BEAUTIFUL!First the reasons why I've been quiet over the last 5 w...
Posted by Young Birds Fly on Sat, 28 Apr 2007 05:49:00 PST

YBF Journal 50: The Sprint to the Finish

Hello Friends,I will be finishing Young Birds Fly This week.CheersLeonardo Flores
Posted by Young Birds Fly on Mon, 29 Jan 2007 10:59:00 PST

YBF Journal 49: Taking a Weekend Rest

Hello Friends and Fans,I'm taking a weekend rest after my push to edit the rough cut of the entire film. I went to Soulside in Santa Monica last night and had a blast! First time I went soul dancing i...
Posted by Young Birds Fly on Sun, 14 Jan 2007 12:56:00 PST

YBF Online

Hello All,The new YBF trailer definately struck a chord with people, it should pass 2000 hits in the next few days. Here's what some website have be saying...some bad but mostly good.Here's my favorit...
Posted by Young Birds Fly on Tue, 14 Nov 2006 11:17:00 PST

Militaria Century

Hello All,We will be rounding up Young Birds Fly in the next few months and it has been a great project. I do not have any plans for any more Feature Length films for a while as the cost of making one...
Posted by Young Birds Fly on Mon, 16 Oct 2006 08:46:00 PST