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Tails from the Cat Basket

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Please take a moment to check out
MY BOOK !!!!!
Tails from the cat basket
is a collection of short
stories about 4
crazy cats who
own an Australian family.
Meet Fatty, Lilah,
Ming and MacTavish,and
find out how they pass the
time downunder.

A recommendation by
Tony Eldridge,
author of
novel,The Samson Effect.

Jo, I finished reading
Tails From The Cat
Basket and I have to
say, I loved it. The cats
in the books are as
vivid in personality as
the most well-crafted
characters in a
bestselling novel. I found
myself smiling as I read
and thinking, "Yep, I see my
cats doing this too."
You perfectly captured
them on page. But I
must admit, I think your
hubby is one of my
favourite characters
of all. I found myself
laughing out loud when
you wrote of him,
thinking, "I can so much
relate to this man!"
If anyone reading this has
not ordered Tails From
The Cat Basket yet, do
yourself a favour and
get it now. You will
LOVE this little gem.

I'd like to meet:

.. Create Your Own


View my page on Renaissance Cat Faire

View my page on Black Cat Triquetra Society


All the Harry Potter
books,To Kill a
Down,The Kay
Scarpatta books by
Patricia Cornwall,James
Herriot books,anything
by Clive Cussler,The
Color Purple,Drum,the
Narnia series,The
Samson Effect by Tony
Eldridge,The Secret
Heights,Pride &
Prejudice......HEAPS of
others...too many to
CLICK on Tony's book
to be directed to the
place of purchase.
DALLAS, TX (May 12, 2008)– Producer Tony Eldridge has acquired the film right to The Samson Effect, the first in a series of action adventure novels by…….Tony Eldridge. No, that's not a typo just an amazing coincidence and fortuitous turn of events."I started getting emails congratulating me on my soon to be published first novel, interesting only because I hadn't written one," said Los Angeles based film producer Tony Eldridge. By doing some research, he discovered there was a Texas based writer also named Tony Eldridge. The premise of his upcoming book and some pre-publication reviews (one by best-selling author Clive Cussler) sounded interesting so the producer contact the author and requested a copy .He was amazed by how good the story was. "I couldn't put it down, read it cover to cover in one evening and the next morning made a deal for the film rights. Finding great material is what it's all about. It's like panning for gold, you just never know when you're going to get lucky or where that nugget is going to come from."How close did these two Tony Eldridges come to passing each other as two ships in the night? Author Tony Eldridge said, "When the time came to put my name on the book, I had it narrowed to three: Tony Eldridge, Robert Eldridge {Robert is his first name}, or the pen name of Benjamin Rytin."Had the author chosen to go with Benjamin Rytin or Robert Eldridge instead of Tony Eldridge, it is unlikely that the producer Tony Eldridge would have ever come across The Samson Effect.This isn't the first time that producer Eldridge has hit the Mother Load. He is currently producing the feature films, The Equalizer, with Mace Neufled, Harvey Weinstein and Michael Sloan, Patient Number One with Zucker Productions for HBO Pictures as well as The War Magician, Just Desserts and Old Dicks for his Lonetree Entertainment shingle.Tony Eldridge, author, grew up in Westfield, IN and now lives in Forney, TX. The Samson Effect is currently available on Amazon.com, BarnesandNoble.com, or at any bookstore.


My Blog


Please check out my book!Synopsis:Tails from the cat basket is a collection of short stories about 4 crazy cats who own an Australian family. Meet Fatty, Lilah, Ming and MacTavish, and find out how th...
Posted by Tails from the Cat Basket on Thu, 27 Dec 2007 06:50:00 PST