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Madelyn Alt

It's a Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad World...

About Me

Hi everyone... and welcome!
Madelyn Alt here, National Bestselling Author of the witchy & hip Bewitching Mystery Series... .
The Bewitching Mysteries feature small town single girl and fledgling empath Maggie O'Neill, her witchy boss, and an unlikely circle of ghosthunting friends, the N.I.G.H.T.S., as they investigate an increasing level of paranormal disturbance--not to mention a series of unrelated murders--in Maggie's hometown of Stony Mill, Indiana.
In other words, they are:
"One of the most refreshing and endearing protagonists to grace the amateur sleuth genre in years." ~ Paul Goat Allen,
Ransom Notes Mystery Newsletter
You can find excerpts of my books at . Feel free to click on over... please! =)
You'll also find me blogging at: .
The Trouble with Magic (Jan. 2006)
A Charmed Death (Dec. 2006)
Hex Marks the Spot (NOW AVAILABLE -- Dec. 2007)
No Rest for the Wiccan, Coming November 4th, 2008!
Books 5, 6, 7, 8 -- pending. Stay tuned!
Sooooo, about me? The truth is, I'm just your average, run-of-the-mill small town Midwestern girl who was blessed at birth with an active imagination and a steadfast love for the written word. Writing is one of the best jobs in the world, I must say, even taking into consideration the long apprenticeship, the years of rejection, the critics eager to crush you... Did I mention this is the best job in the world? Truly. What other job can you think of that lets you sit around in your pajamas and fuzzy bunny slippers all day and make things up for money?
'Nuff said.
Not to mention, the world is my office. Have laptop, will travel. And that's a Very. Good. Thing.
So what's a nice girl like me doing writing about ghosties, ghoulies, and things that go bump in the night? Truth is, I've always been intrigued with the paranormal. Certain things I've experienced myself have fueled that interest, not to mention the experiences shared with me by others, people whom I trust. Isolated incidents can be explained away; these are not isolated incidents. They are also not the kinds of things that can be proven easily by scientific methods. While that might sound like a pat answer, I've never been convinced that science has enough technology to have the right to pooh-pooh everything away. It seems the height of arrogance to say that anyone, even a group of well-educated people, has all the answers. The fact is, people are experiencing things that their logical minds want to explain away, but can't. That's not to say that science and the mystical won't some day co-exist happily and sensibly, but until that day I think it's possible we're not meant to understand everything. Not yet.
The most important thing about life is the journey. Only at the end should we be able to look back and make sense of the lot of it. Part of the beauty is in the mystery.
Click here for an exclusive Spotlight Lead Feature interview and review with Barnes & Noble's Ransom Notes mystery newsletter.
B&N Ransom Notes Editor Paul Goat Allen has this to say about A CHARMED DEATH:
"Mystery fans who seek out "feel-good" reads for their literary escapism (books by authors like Janet Evanovich, Charlaine Harris, Kyra Davis, et al.) should definitely check out Alt's Bewitching Mystery saga, which is powered by her Everywoman heroine O'Neill. A small-town girl struggling to find her place in the world, she has an optimistic and idealistic outlook on an oftentimes malevolent and depressing reality -- as well an addiction to old episodes of Magnum P.I. -- that makes her one of the most refreshing and endearing protagonists to grace the amateur sleuth genre in years. Alt certainly picked the right name for this series. It's a bewitching saga by a positively witchy chick. Highly recommended."
Join me at and take a magical journey with The Witchy Chicks, ten women who love the paranormal, and whose goal it is to create a sisterhood of writers for mutual support and encouragement.

My Interests

Writing {but of course...}
Reading {naturally!}
Ghosts & the Paranormal World
Walking {I average 18 miles a week at present}
Travel... I am especially interested in Scotland, Ireland, England, and Wales...
Gardening, mostly flowers and herbs, but some veggies, too

#3 in the Bewitching
Mystery Series
OUT NOW!!!!! Buy it at a bookstore near you!
December 1, 2007!

#2 in the Bewitching
Mystery Series
Find it anytime at a bookstore
near you!

#1 in the Bewitching
Mystery Series
Find it anytime at a bookstore
near you!

I'd like to meet:

Any lover of words and language and story who would like to meet me...
Shakespeare... sheer wonderment of images and words.
John Edward... because I think he's for real.
Gerard Butler... because he can't possibly be real.
Craig Ferguson... because I think he'd be a blast to talk to. {Cheeky wee monkey!}


Damien Rice
David Gray
Norah Jones
John Mayer
Paolo Nutini
Bruce Springsteen
Sara McLachlan
Ingrid Michaelson
Anna Nalick
A Fine Frenzy
Miscellaneous songs by miscellaneous artists

Oh, and I have a thing for movie soundtracks, like:

Phantom of the Opera
Dear Frankie
Pride & Prejudice
P.S. I Love You
Practical Magic
Last of the Mohicans


Dear Frankie {Utter perfection! Rent this DVD if you have not seen it, and see if it doesn't make you cry and sigh all at the same time...}
Phantom of the Opera {Gerard Butler *is* the Phantom}
Pride & Prejudice
Sense & Sensibility
Emma {what girl doesn't like Jane Austen?}
Tristan & Isolde
Love, Actually
Practical Magic
The Mists of Avalon
The Gift
Stir of Echoes
Monty Python & the Holy Grail
Four Weddings & a Funeral
The Sixth Sense
Last of the Mohicans
The Skeleton Key
Last but not least: 300 rocked my world. Woot Woot!

And P.S. I Love You was soooooooooo good!!!


Who has time for TV? LOL... Although I will admit to checking out E! from time to time... ::blush:: Oh, and Ghosthunters. The "A Haunting In ___" series on Discovery. And any of the ghost shows on The Travel Channel. And any show featuring Scotland/Ireland/England/Wales on The Travel Channel. Oh, and I just caught a couple of episodes of Ghostly Encounters as a preview of the Bio channel . . . and I have to say, this show out of Canada has now become my favorite "haunting" series of all -- the approach was so different from the kind of shows that we have here in the states. I just wish I could find more episodes.

Hmmm... p'raps I watch more TV than I thought I did.


#1 The Trouble With Magic
(Published Jan. '06)
#2 A Charmed Death (Published Dec. '06)
#3 Hex Marks the Spot (Published Dec. 07)
#4 No Rest for the Wiccan - Coming November '08
#5 Pending - August '09??
#6 Pending - May '10??
#7 Pending - February '11??
#8 Pending - November '11??

I have varied tastes in my own reading... anything from historical biographies to travel books to paranormal research to sigh-worthy romance to high fantasy to light mystery/suspense. Some of my favorite authors are J.K. Rowling, Alice Hoffman, Stephen King, Kim Harrison, MaryJanice Davidson, Charlaine Harris, and oh, just too many others to mention.

© Photo by Angi Sullins
Isn't it lovely?


My Blog

An Early Mothers Day Gift

I'm still having issues with MySpace, so if anyone is looking for a previous blog comment to be posted, never fear!  I will post it as soon as MySpace has the problem solved. In the meantime, a ...
Posted by Madelyn Alt on Wed, 07 May 2008 12:01:00 PST

Is it May? Really???!

What the f*** have I been doing with my time?  Work.  That's it.  Work.  Very, very hard.  I've been working.  A lot. All paraphrasing of one of my movie favorites aside,...
Posted by Madelyn Alt on Sat, 03 May 2008 08:27:00 PST

Sunday Fun Day: Two Things for You...

Over at the WitchyChicks, we have the curious custom of adopting foxes into  our Henhouse. I must confess, however, that with four young men of my own around here, I have no notions of adop...
Posted by Madelyn Alt on Sun, 17 Feb 2008 10:19:00 PST

"Ac-cennnnntuate the Positive... Eliiiiiiminate the Negative..."

Enough of that!  No reason to give the negative any further notice, right?  Right! Let's move on to something a lot more fun! One of the biggest pleasures of my job is being able to shine a ...
Posted by Madelyn Alt on Thu, 07 Feb 2008 11:45:00 PST

Troubling . . .

I'll admit it.  I'm a little troubled by this.  Not hurt, just . . . troubled. As an author, I've tried hard to not read too much into reviews that appear across the web.  We all k...
Posted by Madelyn Alt on Thu, 07 Feb 2008 06:36:00 PST

On Writing: Characterization

In fiction, what makes for good characterization? There are as many answers to this question as there are readers. Let's face it  we all have our personal preferences.I write character-driven fiction...
Posted by Madelyn Alt on Tue, 22 Jan 2008 09:18:00 PST

Ghost Hunting: Mads Quickie Guide to Hauntings

It has been my experience that many people who don't make a personal habit of investigating the paranormal on a formal or even an informal basis often tend to lump spirit activity under one all-encomp...
Posted by Madelyn Alt on Wed, 09 Jan 2008 03:35:00 PST

Holiday Message & News!

To All of My Dearest, Most Beloved Readers ~~The holidays are upon us, and as per usual, I am shamefully behind where I would like to be at present. The month of November didn't even register upon my ...
Posted by Madelyn Alt on Tue, 18 Dec 2007 07:31:00 PST

HEX MARKS THE SPOT is out! Woot! Woot!

Coming up for air after finishing and sending off the fourth book in the Bewitching series . . . ::pant pant pant:: . . . I just wanted to post very quickly that book 3 -- HEX MARKS THE SPOT -- just c...
Posted by Madelyn Alt on Fri, 07 Dec 2007 02:10:00 PST

Guest Blogger: Kristy Robinett, Psychic Medium Pt. 2

As I wind down on this current deadline, I have another fabulous blog to offer from a very special person I know who also just happens to be a Psychic Medium:  Kristy Robinett.  Yo...
Posted by Madelyn Alt on Sat, 17 Nov 2007 05:15:00 PST